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작성자 관리자 작성일 2006.10.18 조회수25320

세계적 기업 Qualcomm의 Senior Vice President, Charlie Persico를 모시고 다음과 같이 세미나를 개최하고 하오니 관심있으신 분들의 참석 부탁드립니다.

▣ 일 시: 2006년 10월 27일(금), 오후 2:00~3:00

▣ 장 소: KAIST 전기전자공학동, 우리별 세미나실 (건물번호 E-3)  

▣ 연 사 :  Qualcomm, Senior Vice President, Charlie Persico

▣ 주 최 : KAIST 전자전산학부, BK21 정보기술사업단

▣ 문의처 : 전자전산학부 박현욱 교수 (T3466), BK사무국(T8502)

▣ 세미나명: Qualcomm 소개 및 Future Directions in RFIC Design for Mobile Phone Applications

Abstract :    

There are several challenges (and opportunities) in the future for integration, performance and cost for RFIC design in mobile handsets.  The current level of integration relies on a total system solution to deliver cost effective and highly integrated chipset. The market needs on low end are for low cost to support emerging markets. On the mid and high end needs focus on size (sleek, stylish phones) and performance (data rates, battery life, roaming). In addition, handset manufacturers NRE and time to market pressures need to be addressed.

These market forces will require innovation in:

- passive component elimination (eg SAW filters)

- power reduction

- multimode-multiband, configurable radio"s

- concurrent operation with other wireless peripherals

- mobile handset receive and transmit diversity

Speaker Biography : 

Charles Persico is Senior Vice President of Engineering at Qualcomm Inc. Charlie is in charge of all Qualcomm’s RF, analog and mixed signal IC design, product and test engineering and responsible for more than a billion dollar revenue business, which makes Qualcomm the largest RF, analog and mixed signal IC supplier in the world. Charlie was born in 1960 in Schenectady, NY.  He received his BS from Union College in electrical engineering in 1985 and MS from Syracuse University in electrical engineering in 1987.  In 1985 he joined GE Avionics systems working on advanced radar systems. He also worked at Honeywell Space Systems on various satellite electronic systems.  In 1991 he joined Philips Semiconductor and was involved in RFIC design for various cellular standards.  He has been with Qualcomm since 1995 and led all Qualcomm’s RF, analog and mixed signal IC product development and production.