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해외석학 초청 특별강연[10,24(화)]

작성자 관리자 작성일 2006.10.11 조회수25014

해외석학 초청 특별강연 안내 

나노입자가 인체에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구를 선도적으로 수행하고 있는 University of Southern California 의과대학의 Kwang Jin Kim 교수를 초청하여 특별 강연회를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.

=   아     래   =

    1. 일  시 : 2006. 10. 24(화) 오후4시 - 5시

    2. 장  소 : KAIST 응용공학동 영상강의실(건물번호 W1-3)

    3. 제  목 : Nanoparticles : Interaction with and trafficking across

                 epithelial barriers (In English)

    4. 연  사 : Professor Kwang Jin Kim

                   Keck School of Medicine

                   University of Southern California -

                 (Secondary appointment in Physiology & Biophysics,

      Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences)

    5. 내  용 :

Nanoparticles promise to be useful for many applications, although toxicity of these particles in biological tissues, and pathways by which inhaled particles reach the systemic circulation and target organs, are not well known. Size, shape, chemical composition and surface charge of nanoparticles may be important determinants for influencing biological activities in a given cell/tissue. In order to investigate nanoparticle interaction with air-blood barrier of the distal lung, we utilized primary rat alveolar epithelium cell monolayers (RAECM) and studied the toxicity and trafficking rates of polystyrene nanoparticles and quantum dots.

    6. 주  최 :     KAIST 생명화학공학과, BK21 화학공학사업단,


    7. 참가비 :     없음

    8. 문의처 :     생명화학공학과 박승빈 교수 (042-869-3928)

                        나노과학기술연구소 이상건  (042-869-8801)

KAIST 생명화학공학과장 박승빈

나노과학기술연구소장 김도경 드림