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“KAIST 기술경영대학원/경영과학과-MIT Sloan Business School 복수학위(MSMS Program) 설명회” 안내

작성자 관리자 작성일 2012.10.17 조회수23495

“KAIST 기술경영대학원/경영과학과-MIT Sloan Business School
복수학위(MSMS Program) 설명회” 안내



일시 : 10월 22일(월) 10:30 a.m.~12:00 p.m.

장소 : KAIST 대전 캠퍼스 N5빌딩 (대학 2호관) 2125호

주관:  KAIST 기술경영대학원, 경영과학과

초청연사: Chang Phan, Program Manager, MIT MSMS Program

주요 내용: KAIST 기술경영대학원/경영과학과-MIT MSMS Program 복수학위 안내

* MIT MSMS (Master of Science in Management Science) Program 

: The Master of Science in Management Studies (MSMS) program is one of the cutting-edge global initiatives offered at MIT Sloan to help shape and improve the future of principled management practice. Proposed initially by a request from a partner school to allow visiting students an opportunity to earn a master’s degree from MIT, MIT Sloan created the MSMS program to meet the needs of a select group of top international MBA students who wished to do advanced research in a specific area of management.


* KAIST I&TM/MS Dept. – MIT MSMS Program 복수학위

: KAIST 기술경영대학원/경영과학과에서 요구되는 졸업요건을 마치고, MIT MSMS에 지원하여 1년 과정을 이수하면, MIT MSMS 학위를 추가로 받게 됩니다.


문의사항:  김원준 부교수, 기술경영대학원/경영과학과 (042-350-4336 / wonjoon.kim@kaist.edu)