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NOVIC 정기세미나 안내 <5월 21일, 화요일>

작성자 관리자 작성일 2013.05.13 조회수20113


아래와 같이 기계공학과 NOVIC Center에서 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.


일시: 5월 21일(화), 오전 11시~

장소: W3세미나실(4102호)

연사: Dr. 이 성규(Seongkyu Lee)



2012. 3. - Present : Lead Mechanical Engineer, GE Global Research, NY, USA

2010. 7 - 2012. 2. : Mechanical Engineer, GE Global Research, NY, USA

2009. 5 - 2010. 6 : Post-doctoral research associate,  The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA



2009.5 : Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA

2009.5 : Minor degree, Graduate Program in Acoustics, The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA

2004.2 : M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea

2002.2 : B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Pusan National University, Pusan, Korea



Wind Turbine Acoustic Research at GE Global Research



This seminar presents an overview of General Electric (GE) Global Research Center and recent advances in wind energy acoustic research at GE Global Research. Wind energy has represented one of the largest new sources of electric capacity additions in the United States in recent years. The U.S. government goal is to increase wind power to 20% of the nation’s electricity demand by 2030. Wind turbine noise is a major barrier to expanding the wind turbine installation because of annoying noise generated by wind turbines and public acceptance. I present three aspects on wind turbine noise: 1) noise generation, 2) noise mitigation, and 3) noise propagation. Regarding noise generation, a new time-domain equivalent source method has been developed to predict a dominant wind turbine noise source that is the trailing edge noise. Reduction of wind turbine noise by a serrated trailing edge and blade tip design, and noise reduced operation are presented. Wind turbine noise propagates over large distances and is influenced by environmental and meteorological effects. The Parabolic Equation (PE) model has been developed to predict far-field wind turbine noise propagation under complex wind profiles. Finally, future research plans are discussed.



NOVIC 연구센터 박 연 선

전화 : 042-350-8211 / Fax : 042-350-8220

이메일 : novic@kaist.ac.kr