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Selected Speeches

Welcoming Remarks for the KAIST-Khalifa University Joint Research Center

Writer PR Office Date 2019.07.05 HIT563

Good afternoon everyone. It’s very nice to meet you all again here at KAIST.

Thank you to Acting President Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, Senior Vice President of Research and Development Steven Griffiths, and the Co-Director of the KAIST-KU Joint Research Center Daniel Choi for joining us today.

I still remember your heartfelt welcome and the kind hospitality you extended to us during our visit to Khalifa University in April. I would like to thank you for your kindness once again and I am very pleased to have the opportunity to host your delegation at KAIST.

There is a saying that, “Coming together is a beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success.” Your return visit to KAIST finally makes our joint collaboration complete as we are working together for success.

I am proud and honored to celebrate this joint achievement we have made together, especially at KAIST. I would like to recognize all the scholars, staff, and students who have worked so hard to make this joint research center possible.

One example of the progress we have made at KAIST since we met in April is that Professor Man-Sung Yim has become the Associate Vice President of the International Office.

He is now completely in charge of international collaboration and partnerships at KAIST. I look forward to his leadership helping many of our international collaboration initiatives fully blossom. Please give him a big hand to congratulate him on his new position.

I am also pleased that Professor Changheui Jang and Professor Jong Hyun Kim have become two major players to promote the collaboration between two universities.

The partnership between KU and KAIST aims to provide the best science and technology education as well as to develop nuclear energy in the UAE. Following the success of the KUSTAR program, we are now moving forward to the next phase of collaboration in response to the new global environment brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This joint research center will explore the most crucial and impactful technologies, which will change our lives. These breakthroughs include smart transportation and smart healthcare such as wireless electric vehicles, unmanned vehicles, and wearable healthcare devices.

KAIST has been the gateway to Korea’s advanced scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship for the past half century and we are now ready to serve the world.

KAIST will mark its 60th anniversary in 2031. I launched Vision 2031, a blueprint for becoming a global leading university that creates new knowledge with a global impact. This KAIST-KU collaboration initiative perfectly embodies our new vision.

I am very pleased that this center will serve as a vehicle to fulfill the new mission and vision of KAIST. This collaboration will also help the UAE realize a vibrant society where its citizens can enjoy a thriving economy and quality of life.

KU and KAIST are destined to dream together and work together, moving forward to achieve success. Through this collaboration, both of our institutions will grow together as not only national leading universities but also global leading universities.

I am eager to remain a dedicated partner in the coming years to witness the continued success of both institutions and countries.

Let me close my speech by welcoming you all once again and wishing you all the success and happiness in your future careers.

Thank you very much.

July 5, 2019

Sung-Chul Shin
President of KAIST

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