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Selected Speeches

Congratulatory Remarks for the KAIST-KU Joint Research Center

Writer PR Office Date 2019.04.08 HIT678

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As President of KAIST, it is my privilege and pleasure to attend this special event today and say a few words on the opening of the KU-KAIST Joint Research Center.

This new center showcases an unprecedented achievement between Khalifa University and KAIST. I am proud and honored to celebrate this great event with you. On behalf of KAIST, please accept my congratulations on this history-making achievement.

I am grateful to the leaders of both institutes for accomplishing this great feat together.

In particular, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Arif Al Hammadi, Executive Vice President of KU, Dr. Steven Griffith, Senior Vice President of Research, Dr. Bayan Sharif, Acting Provost, and other senior administrators of Khalifa University, for your continued and dedicated support of this ongoing collaboration between the two universities. Also, I am so grateful to KAIST professors including Prof. Man-Sung Yim.

People like you always stand out. With dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work, you make positive things happen. And your efforts have paid off handsomely, as epitomized by this new center.

The goal of the partnership between KU and KAIST is to support the science and technology-based human capital development as well as to support nuclear power development of the United Arab Emirates.

KAIST has committed to support Khalifa University to become a world-class institution. I am very proud to say that indeed Khalifa University has become the best university in the UAE, and the second best in the Arab world in fewer than 10 years of collaboration which started in 2010.

This is an astounding achievement. KU has even been recognized as one of top 50 universities in Asia. KU and KAIST are destined to be great together, stimulating and elevating each other. I am eager to remain a dedicated partner in the coming years to witness continuing success of KU. To that end, today’s launching of the joint research center is significant.

In this center, we will focus our efforts on developing fourth-Industrial revolution technologies, the fruits of which we believe will change the way we live, work, study, and enjoy our lives.

Through the active participation of faculty and students at both institutions in this new research center, we will produce world-leading research products and become the champions of the 4th industrial revolution.

I am honored and privileged to lead this effort as the president of KAIST. I will do my best to make this collaboration successful.

The aim of research universities such as KU and KAIST lies in pushing the boundaries of envelope for developing high-caliber human capacity through innovative research, which enhances wealth and health of their nations and beyond.

I am confident that this newly established joint research center will serve as a vehicle to help fulfill the high mission beyond our dreams and expectations.

I am thrilled that you have taken the giant first step toward this goal today. I look forward to continuing our work with you.

My heartfelt congratulations again. Good luck and best wishes to you all!

April 8, 2019

Sung-Chul Shin
President of KAIST

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