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Selected Speeches

Welcoming Remarks for the 2019 Year-End Party

Writer PR Office Date 2019.12.04 HIT447

Good evening everyone.

It is indeed my great pleasure to welcome all the international students, scholars, family, and friends to this Year-End Party. Thank you all for joining us this evening.

We have two more weeks to go until the end of the semester. Students still have their final exams. But it is always meaningful for us to gather here and celebrate what we have achieved during the past year.

I would like to thank and congratulate you for your hard work, service, and the commitment you have shown. You have filled KAIST with your vibrant energy and passion. I would also like to thank the International Office for organizing this wonderful party.

Dear Students, colleagues, and friends,

Next year will be a very important year as we prepare for our 50th anniversary in 2021.

KAIST was established by the government in 1971 to stop the brain drain of Korea. Many Korean students went abroad for their advanced studies, but few returned home to one of the poorest countries in the world at that time. Our mission was to educate the elite scientists and engineers who were urgently needed for the rapid industrialization of Korea.

However, KAIST has now become a magnet for global brains. Currently, about 1,000 students from 90 countries are studying at KAIST. In just half a century, we made this far.

And I have had meetings with delegations from more than 30 countries this year. Many of them visited us to seek partnerships for launching advanced science and technology institutes in their countries. As some of you may already know, currently we are establishing Kenya-KAIST in Nairobi, Kenya.

I feel so privileged and proud of being a part of this university, and fully supported not only by the people of Korea but also by the world. Now, our mission has transformed to foster global talents like you, and I truly believe that you will make the world better and make us proud in doing so.

You have played a significant role in KAIST’s achievements and progress through your research and study. The research and education innovation initiatives under Vision 2031, the year marking the 60th anniversary of KAIST, will help you pursue your academic career here.

Your wellbeing matters a great deal to us. I personally hope you and your family members are able to be both happy at KAIST and in Korea.

ISSS is running support programs and services and they will reach out to you if you ever need help.

Professor Shuping Xiong, Director of KICEP (KAIST International Community Enhancement Program), is working so hard to address any issues you may face here. Please give him a big hand.

The KISA Voice Box at the Global Lounge is a place where you can leave your suggestions for helping KAIST become even more globalized and inclusive. Please share your thoughts via the KISA Voice Box.

I would also like to mention how proud I am of our very passionate group of student volunteers from KISA. They work enthusiastically to promote cultural awareness and diversity at KAIST and I would like to thank the KISA members for their hard work. Now I would like to ask all the KISA members to stand up. Let’s give them a round of applause.

I also would like to acknowledge KAIPlus and KI House. Please stand up so we can give you a round of applause. These volunteers are composed of long-time supporters of KAIST and the spouses of KAIST faculty members. Your invaluable services help our community become more like a family and enable us to better support each other.

Thanks to all of your support, and we will continue to care, connect, learn, and adapt together. You are the ones who will move us forward.

I would like to close my speech wishing you all the success and happiness in your academic career and life. Please enjoy this beautiful evening.

Thank you very much and Happy New Year!

December 4, 2019
Welcoming Remarks for 2019 Year-End Party 이미지1

Sung-Chul Shin
President of KAIST

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