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Selected Speeches

Speech for the 50th Anniversary

Writer PR Office Date 2021.02.16 HIT439

Good morning.

I am honored to be speaking at KAIST’s 50th anniversary ceremony, attended by distinguished guests, faculty, staff, alumni, and students both in person and online.

I would especially like to extend my deepest gratitude to President Moon Jae-In, Chairman Klaus Schwab, and the many dignitaries at home and abroad who honor our anniversary with congratulatory messages.

Around 50 years ago, Korea was transforming from an agricultural country to an industrial one. However, the dire shortage of essential human resources in science and engineering was a big challenge for getting the plan through.

In 1970, a special law was established to support the founding of KAIST, backed by the dedication of scientists and government leaders, and a loan of USD 6 million from USAID. In 1971, KAIST was founded as the first research-oriented university in Korea.

Most of the goals and vision specified in the Terman Report from five decades ago have been realized. Over the past half-century, KAIST has led Korea’s astonishing development of science and technology, and its impressive economic growth. The institute has played a pivotal role in our country’s industrialization and informatization, earning praise that “Korea would not exist as it is today if not for KAIST.”

Since it was founded, KAIST has produced around 70,000 graduates, including 14,500 PhDs, who have been actively serving industries, universities, research institutes, and the government. KAIST alumni account for 23% of the leadership positions in science and technology in Korea, and 25% of the PhD-level workforce in the semiconductor industry.

As the cradle of startups, KAIST has also written a new chapter in Korea’s entrepreneurial history. It has created 50,000 jobs and recorded 14 trillion won in annual sales under 1,200 alumni startups. Considering startups alone, KAIST is one of the most successful cases of government funding in the past half-century.

KAIST has also helped Korea overcome national crises by providing scientific and technological solutions. We launched the KAIST Advisors on Materials, Parts, and Equipments in response to Japan’s implementation of stricter export regulations in August 2019. Under the COVID-19 R&D Initiative Task Force, KAIST has developed anti-virus core technologies including negative pressure wards for COVID-19 patients.

Today, KAIST is a world-class university that has gained international recognition for its excellence. It was ranked third among the QS Top 50 Under 50 in 2019, and named by Thomson Reuters as the most innovative university in Asia for three consecutive years from 2016, and the 11th in the world.

We have had remarkable achievements thanks to the wholehearted support of the government and the National Assembly, the trust of the people, and the passion and dedication of all KAISTians. I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has made this day possible. In particular, I am deeply grateful to our generous donors, who have expressed their confidence in KAIST as the future of Korea.

The past 50 years were a time of transforming Korea into a better country through economic growth and industrial development. In the next 50 years, science and technology must be utilized for the country to improve in all aspects, including politics, economy, society, healthcare, and security. Korea’s economic growth, advanced by science and technology, has given a new hope to developing countries around the world. Now ready to expand its reach and impact, KAIST is on a new journey to address the challenges faced by humanity by utilizing advanced science and technology.

We envision a brighter future for the world and humanity in the next 50 years. Building on our achievements from the past half-century, we have begun the next phase of our journey under the goal of becoming a Global Value-Creative Leading University that benefits all of humanity.

To fulfill KAIST’s second dream, we will drive innovation in five major areas—education, research, technology commercialization, globalization, and future strategy—under the C3 spirit of a Challenge spirit, Creativity, and Caring minds.

KAIST will produce global value-creative leaders through innovation in education.
KAIST aims to foster C3 talents, who embrace Challenges, exercise Creativity based on transdisciplinary thinking, and show an inclusive, Caring mind. For this purpose, we established the School of Transdisciplinary Studies, and are placing a greater emphasis on global leadership and AI, the driving forces behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As global innovators leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution, KAISTians will contribute significantly to the happiness and prosperity of humanity in the 21st century.

KAIST will create new disciplines while pursuing research innovation to overcome the challenges humanity is facing.
We aim to achieve excellence in research with long-term innovative research support systems. We will conduct R&D activities that will lead the megatrends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: hyper-connectivity, super-intelligence, and meta-convergence. In addition, we will double down to conduct forward-looking flagship research that will enhance the happiness and prosperity of all humanity in areas of global warming, infectious diseases, bio-medicine, energy and environment, smart technology, and post-AI.

The age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been deemed the "winner takes all" era. At this highly competitive time, R&D activities are more meaningful if they produce the world’s best, first, and only outcomes. We have established a long-term research support plan by setting up the Cross-Generation Collaborative Lab System and the Singularity Professor track, which will help our researchers achieve excellence. The Cross-Generation Collaborative Lab System encourages the sustainability of the senior professor’s academic legacy through continued collaboration with the junior professor. We will launch the Singularity Professorship to support one-of-a-kind young professors with full-scale research funding to allow them to create the most ingenious research.

KAIST will advance toward its goal of becoming an entrepreneurial university through innovation in technology commercialization.
Universities in the 21st century should not only focus on education and research, but also pursue technology commercialization to maximize R&D outcomes. It is especially important for Korea to foster technology-based startups, considering how 97% of small- and medium-sized enterprises account for only 17% of exports. As the cradle of Korean startups, KAIST will continue to promote entrepreneurship by introducing Entrepreneurial Spirit and Startups as a required course, supporting faculty and student startups under the Institute of Startup KAIST, and securing a bridgehead in Silicon Valley, the global mecca of startups.

KAIST will serve as a bridge to the world through innovation in globalization.
The success of KAIST over the past half-century has been applauded by the international community, and many countries have requested the establishment of global KAIST campuses. The first is the establishment of the KAIST Kenya campus. We are exporting our proven education model to Kenya by mean of a turnkey project. Based on our experience establishing a campus in Kenya, we hope to open 10 more campuses around the world in the next 50 years. This is an opportunity for a new wave of K-universities, and a meaningful project that will ultimately enhance Korea’s global standing.

KAIST will pave the way forward for Korea based on science and technology through future strategy innovation.
Over the past half-century, KAIST’s strategies were focused on chasing developed countries. Now, it is time for a paradigm shift in order for Korea to join the ranks of developed countries. Global strategies grounded in science and technology will be essential in the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. KAIST will propose national strategies based on science and technology under the Global Strategy Institute (GSI), launched with the aim of becoming a global think tank, and develop insightful solutions for global issues faced by humanity in the 21st century.

In the next 50 years, KAIST hopes to fulfill the 10-10-10 Dream, that is, to have 10 Singularity Professors who have produced world-class achievements, 10 decacorn startups valued at 10 trillion won, and global campuses in 10 countries.

With the successful accomplishment of the vision of becoming a ‘Global Value-Creative Leading University,’ we wish to provide new hope and pride for the nation and its people, and contribute to humanity’s prosperity and advancement.

I look forward to your continued support for KAIST as we advance forward toward our second dream.

Thank you.

February 16, 2021

Sung-Chul Shin
President of KAIST

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