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Academic Notice

Notification of Tuition Fees Payment for 2012 Fall Semester

Writer admin Date 2012.07.27 HIT653

Notification of Tuition Fees Payment for 2012 Fall Semester

Please make a payment for tuition fees for 2012 Fall Semester during a designated period as follows.

1. Payment Period
DATE: 2012. 08. 01 (Wed.) ~ 08. 08 (Wed.)
Time for Banking: 07:00 AM ~ 23:59
※ Please mind that the last day is open for service until 18:00 PM.

2. How to Check your Payment to be Made or Payment You Have Made
     - Accessible to all people with a proper student number and a social security number of a student you would like to check 
B.  ⇒ Academic System ⇒ Payment ⇒ Payment
     - Accessible with your ID and Password on the Portal

C. KAIST Homepage  ⇒ Campus Life ⇒ Campus Life ⇒ Administration ⇒

3. Checking your Payment Status and Details on Woori Bank (Possible as of August 1st, 2012)
-Please check an attachment named How to Check if You Have Paid Tuition Fees.pdf for this information.

4. Payment Procedure 

A. Undergraduate students, Graduate Students of State Scholarship & KAIST Scholarship (As for KAIST Scholarship graduate students, the following procedure is applied to the amount of tuition fees partially assigned to you): 
After checking details of tuition fees, you can make the payment to virtual account numbers assigned to you individually by depositing, Internet banking, Telebanking, or CD/ATM etc. through all banking institutions (e.g. Any bank across the country, Nonghyup, Korea Post, etc.) 

※ If you are a student of KAIST scholarship, please check the note below.
[Note]: For KAIST Scholarship students, tuition fees to be paid are divided into two parts from a perspective of payers. One should be paid by a student and the other by his/her professor. For the part for the professor, the Academic Registrars’ Team sends an invoice to the department the professor belongs to. A proper person in charge in the department or team should wire the fees via any means available at KAIST to the student’s virtual account numbers.

B. Graduate students of General Scholarship
-In principle, those graduate students have two different virtual accounts assigned to a student and his/her company sponsoring each. Each party should check the amount of tuition fees assigned and make the proper payment to the virtual accounts belonging to each.
-For tuition fees assigned to the company, the Academic Registrars’ Team sends an invoice to it.

◆ Payment for tuition fees can be made by proxy if the payment is made to the virtual account numbers of a student.

5. Student Association Fee (not applicable to Seoul Campus and Dogok-dong Campus)
A. Undergraduate Students and Students of State Scholarship: Student Association Fee is included in the tuition fee. 
     [Note] Student Association Fee will only be notified if you are exempt from paying the tuition fee.
B. Students of KAIST Scholarship: Same as those of State Scholarship
C. Students of General Scholarship: Student Association Fee is included in the portion of the payment a student to make.
D. International Students: Student Association Fee is included in the tuition fee.

6. Measures on Non-payment
A. Expulsion
1) Non-payment for tuition fees results in expulsion based on academic rules of KAIST
2) Exception:
-Applicants who made a formal petition for postponement of tuition fees payment with approvals from their advisor and head of the department (their signatures are needed) can prolong the payment period up to a month as from the first day of the period. 
B. Legal Basis in KAIST regulations
1) Article 34 and Article 87 in Academic rules
2) Article 4 in Collection of Tuition Fees rules
3) Article 3 in Guidelines on Matriculation and Registration of Courses

7. Points to Consider

A. Virtual account numbers are NOT possible to use for withdrawals.

The numbers are only available during the designated period and cannot be used afterwards.

Payment cannot be made if one of the following cases happens.
[case 1] The amount of tuition fees notified and the sum of the money you intend to put are not the same.
[case 2] The numbers are wrong when you make the payment.
B. Virtual account numbers given individually to a student are usable until graduation. Payment can be made after checking the amount of tuition fees each semester.

C. Undergraduate Students with Extended Study Period 
-Tuition fees are different based on credits you have registered
(See the table below)

1 to 3 credits

(Tuition fee + Supporting Fee) x 1/6

4 to 6 credits

( Tuition fee + Supporting Fee) x 1/3

7 to 9 credits

 ( Tuition fee + Supporting Fee) x 1/2 

over 10 credits

Full Amount of Tuition fee and Supporting fee 

 ※ For more Inquiries: Academic Registrars’ Team, Academic Affairs Division, KAIST 
      - Undergraduate Students:
Kim, Yu-Jae
                                                         (Tel: 042-350-2367 /Email: yjkimyj@kaist.ac.kr)

-Graduate Students: Seo, Okjin (Tel: 042-350-2366 / Email:okjseo@kaist.ac.kr)

Please be mindful of checking your account numbers and the amount of tuition fees one more time before making the payment.


1. Petition_Postponement_TuitionFees.doc
2. How to Check if You Have Paid Tuition Fees.pdf