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Academic Notice

Issuing a new Student ID Card

Writer admin Date 2009.04.20 HIT943

Issuing a new Student ID Card

▣ Why do we change our Student ID cards?
   - Student Union decided to change their layout and improve their function.

▣ Who is going to apply?
  - Old Student ID Card Holders

▣ When do we apply : 2009. 4. 20 ∼ 5. 8.

▣ Where can we apply : Safety and Security Team (on the first floor in W8)

▣ How can we apply
   1. Visit Safety & Security Team with your alien registration card and your picture sized 3*4
   2. Visit Woori bank  (on the first floor in W2) with your new Student ID card and alien registration card and make it connect to your personal account

▣ Inquiry :  KAIST  Sook Moon T.042-350-8000, e_ms@kaist.ac.kr

▣ You can still use your student ID which you have now to access to the buildings on campus or to deposit(withdraw) your money in Woori Bank.

▣ Functions of ID card

ID-CARD is the student"s identification card which can also be used in banking

- Building Entrance : Entering campus buildings
- Library : Entering libraries and lending(returning) books
- E-money : After charge the card, use in the campus (cafeterias, stores...)
- Check Card : Use in the every credit card franchise inside and outside of campus
- Cash Card : Bank account through WooRi bank CD and ATM (other banks" also)
- If you need a traffic card(deferred payment), apply in WooRi bank in campus(W2, 1F).
  (impossible to under the Korean age 18)

※For Korean age 18∼20, if they want to apply a traffic card(deferred payment), they should fill out the agreement of a legal representative in the WooRi bank with parents (W2, 1F/T.042-350-3600)

Safety & Security Team