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Academic Notice

2020 KAIST Commencement Ceremony Photo Zone Details and Reservation

Writer admin Date 2020.08.13 HIT763

2020 KAIST Commencement Ceremony Photo Zone Details and Reservation


Dear KAIST Graduates,

We sincerely congratulate you on your graduation.


As the ceremony, which had been postponed due to COVID-19, will take place at a reduced scale, we would like to inform you that there will be a photo zone and free graduation gown rental service for graduates. Please enjoy these services and make wonderful memories with your loved ones. See below on how to apply for the photo zone in advance and safety rules for the prevention of COVID-19.


2020 KAIST Commencement Ceremony Photo Zone


Eligibility: Graduates of August 2019 and February 2020

                (you can invite up to 3 people, including family members, to the photo zone.)

      * A different guideline will be provided for MBA graduates at the Seoul Campus Graduate School of Business.

Operation dates: August 28th(Friday), 2020 ~ September 5th(Saturday), 2020, total of 9 days (including weekends)

                           (*prior registration required)

                            - Operation hours : 10 am ~ 6 pm

Photo zone locations

1) Indoor location : Sports Complex(N3) 2nd floor lobby

2) Outdoor locations

     - Around the Sports Complex(N3)

     - Around the KAIST logo photo zone in front of the main administration building(E14)

     - Around the Duck Pond

Graduation gown rental service

1) Rental time : From 10 am to 5 pm of each day

2) Rental location : Next to the indoor photo zone on the 2nd floor of the Sports Complex(N3)

3) How to use the rental service

    - When renting a graduation gown, submit your identification card (ID card is required).

    - You must rent and return the gown on the same day (you are not allowed to take the gown outside of campus).

4) Rental fee : Free

     (However, if the graduation gown is lost or damaged, you will be asked to compensate for it.)


How to use the photo zone

1) Reservation

     - Application period : August 13th (Thursday) ~ September 4th (Friday)

     - How to apply : fill in a survey(https://forms.gle/p5s68zwc4GYyNaZH9)

  ※ For the efficient operation of the photo zone, apply at least 1 day in advance before your visit.

2) On the date you have reserved for, check-in at the 2nd floor of the Sports Complex. Register as a visitor (including your companions), have your temperature taken (2nd floor of the Sports Complex), and then rent a graduation gown.

   Your companions for the photo zone must also register as visitors and have their temperature taken regardless of which photo zone you have applied for.


Regarding the prevention of COVID-19

 - Please understand that you cannot enter the university if:

a. You have been overseas within 14 days before the ceremony

b. You have visited a high risk region in Korea, or visited a place at the same time as an infected patient, within 14 days before the ceremony

c. You have had contact with a patient or are living with a person in quarantine

d. You have a fever (body temperature at 37.5°c or higher) or other respiratory symptoms such as throat pain, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, muscle pains, etc.

- We ask for your understanding that the distance should be 2 meters or more indoors and outdoors, it is mandatory to wear a mask outside the moment of taking picture, use hand sanitizer at any time, refrain from talking while moving, and restrict access to other buildings outside of photo zone operation locations.

- Please cooperate with the number of personnel limit so that the majority do not crowd in close proximity, and refrain from fighting aid.

- We ask that those who are vulnerable* to the corona 19 virus should refrain from visiting.

* Infants, the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases (diabetes, kidney failure, chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney failure, cancer patients, etc.), etc.

- For safety reasons, returned graduation gowns are disinfected every day. For the same reason, it is not possible to lend your rented graduation gown to another person.

- Details of the event are subject to change in accordance with government safety policies.

Inquiries : Students Affairs Team Dasom Kim(042-350-2163)


Thank you.

Office of Student Affairs & Policy, KAIST