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The 2nd 'Humanities Lecture for Citizens" to be held
The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at KAIST will hold its 2nd ‘Humanities Lecture for Citizens’, making high level humanities and social science programs available to ordinary citizens. The program will start on October 16th and will provide one lecture a week for 8 weeks. The lectures will start every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm at the KAIST international conference room in the N4 building. The lecture topics include love, psychology, food culture, public opinion, gender and technology- issues that are widely cited throughout society, but are hard to define. The program will end with field trips to the Daejeon Museum of Art and the Ungno Lee Museum of Art. Professor Shin Dong Won, who managed the program said that ‘this will be a great opportunity for citizens to participate in HSS lectures and to self reflect on social matters. Lecture Topics (in Korean) 이원재 KAIST 문화기술대학원 교수 <사랑의 역설과 소셜 네트워크> 김정훈 KAIST 인문사회과학과 교수 <심리학적 지식의 불편한 진실> 이석봉 대덕넷 대표 <디지털 시대의 아날로그 해법 ‘종이 신문’> 김동주 KAIST 인문사회과학과 교수 <우리 시대의 먹거리 문화에 대한 성찰 : 고대 인류는 무엇을 먹고 살았을까?> 신피터경섭 KAIST 인문사회과학과 교수<삼성 대 애플, 최후의 승자는?> 박현석 KAIST 인문사회과학과 교수 <여론 조사와 대통령 선거: 과연 국민의 뜻은 무엇인가?> 윤정로 KAIST 인문사회과학과 교수 <여성의 눈으로 본 과학 기술> 김원준 KAIST 경영과학과 교수가 <요즘 왜 자꾸 통섭, 융합이 화두인가?>
View 6768
3rd EEWS CEO Forum Held
KAIST EEWS (Energy Environment Water and Sustainability) held the 3rd EEWS CEO Forum at KAIST Seoul Campus. EEWS is a research/education project initiated by KAIST to solve the global issues that the world faces including issues such as: energy depletion, global warming, water shortage, and sustainable development. The 3rd EEWS CEO Forum is dedicated to providing the opportunity to share the vision and experience on technology and policy for green growth. The forum was founded in 2011 with active participation from Woo Ki Jeong (Director of Statistics), Choi Kwang Sik (Korea City Airport, Logistics and Travel, CEO), Kang Young Joong (Daekyo Group, CEO), Yoo Kyung Sun (Eugene Group, CEO), all experts in the field of green growth. The forum consisted of presentations and debate on topics such as: international outlook on green growth, development projects based on new renewable energy, battery of electric vehicles, and development of solar cells. Kim Sang Hyup member of the Presidential Committee on Green Growth started off the series of lectures with the topic of ‘International Outlook on Green Growth’. Kim Joong Gyum CEO of KEPCO followed up with ‘the Future of Electricity Generation Industry and Renewable Energy’, Kim Soo Ryung Director of LG Chemicals gave a talk on ‘Electric Vehicles and the Future of the Battery Industry’, and finally Choi Gi Hyuk CEO of SDN Ltd. gave the final lecture on ‘the Inflection Point of Solar Cell Industry’.
View 9691
KAIST Evaluated 1st in Joong Ang Newspaper University Evaluation for 5 Consecutive Years
KAIST was evaluated 1st in the Joong Ang Newspaper University Evaluation scoring 241 points out of a total of 300 points. This is KAIST’s 5th consecutive year being ranked 1st by Joong Ang Newspaper’s University Evaluation. POSTECH, Yonsei University, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Korea University followed behind. The Joong Ang Newspaper University Evaluation started in 1994 and KAIST is the first university to be evaluated 1st for 5 consecutive years. KAIST scored high in education environment, finance, and professor research criteria. Joong Ang Newspaper evaluated 102 universities and based the evaluation on: education environment (90 points), globalization (50 points), professor research (100 points), and reputation (60 points).
View 7271
2012 Times Higher Education Ranks KAIST a Record High of 68th
KAIST was evaluated as the 68th best university by the Times Higher Education, a English University Evaluation Body. The 2012 evaluation is 29 places higher than the 2011 evaluation. As a side note, KAIST was ranked a record high of 63rd in the world by Quacquarelli Symonds’ 2012 QS World University Evaluation.
View 7207
College of Cultural Sciences Announces Results for 6th Best Paper Award
The College of Cultural Sciences cohosts with the EFL Program the Best Paper Award each semester. The Best Paper Awards went to Jo Hyeong Chan and Oh Shin Ah undergraduate students. The Best Paper Award was established in 2009 in order to encourage and improve the English writing skills of undergraduate students. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences opened up 69 English courses in Spring of 2012 and 14 papers were recommended by the respective professors as ‘best papers’. Out of these papers 2 were selected for First Prize and 4 were selected as Honorable Mentions. The two recipients’ papers were recommended by Professor Park Woo Seok (Topics in Philosophy).
View 7417
1st Korean Certified Fund Raising Executive
Ms. Kim Hyun Soo (KAIST Development Foundation) has become the 1st Korean Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). Ms. Kim received an email from International Certified Fund Raising Committee indicating that she had passed the CFRE program and that she was the 1st Korean to do so. CFRE is an internationally certified fund raising expert and there are 5,322 members worldwide working in various universities, hospitals, and non-profit organizations. Ms. Kim majored in Science of Public Administration (Yonsei University) as B.A. and International Cooperation (Seoul National University) as Masters. She passed the Accounting Exam in the United States and tried to do something worthwhile rather than blindly chasing higher pay. Ms. Kim played a crucial part in raising record funds in KAIST history since she started in 2006. She commented that she always was interested in non-profit organizations and their role in society and that KAIST allowed her to fulfill both of her two dreams.
View 7450
2012 Intellectual Property Rights Award Ceremony Held
The 2012 Intellectual Property Rights Award Ceremony was held at Seoul KAIST Campus. Recipients of the award included former congressmen Kim Young Sun and Lee Jeong Hyuk, and Kim Boo Kyung researcher at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute also representing Vooz Ltd. that created the character POOCA. The Intellectual Property Rights Award is given to an individual or a group that succeeded in utilizing, protecting, creating, and establishment of its foundation including patent, copyright, and brand. Intellectual Property Rights is viewed as of importance for future national competitiveness. The Award is organized by the Korea Patent Attorneys Association, the Korea Association of Intellectual Property Services, and KAIST and are respectively core institutions in the training of Intellectual Property Rights Experts and the creation, utilization, and the protection of intellectual property. In addition the Award is also co-organized by the KAIST Graduate School of Intellectual Property Rights (established in cooperation with KAIST and the Korean Intellectual Property Office) and the total 20 million Won of prize money is funded by Korea Institute of Intellectual Strategy and Kim Ok Lan Foundation. The Award Ceremony was held with a special lecture by the recipients. It was stressed that the evaluation process was carried out with that the decision is a silent message to the society and is also a type of market signal. Director Ko Gi Seok (Presidential Council on Intellectual Property) revealed that the candidates’ impact on the strength of national intellectual property rights was thoroughly scrutinized. In the criteria of Creation of Intellectual Property, ETRI received the award in recognition of the institution’s successful patenting and commercializing of products of Korean R&D. ETRI created a total of 251 International Patents in cooperation with ITU, ISO, IEE, etc. and also participated in a total of 9 International Standard Patent Pool, showing its active Intellectual Property management. Such efforts ranked ETRI 1st in the United States Patent Evaluation performed by the US Patent Board in 2011 out of 237 institutions. In addition Recipient of the Intellectual Property Utilization criteria, VOOZ ltd.’s Kim Boo Kyung promised the free use of their character POOCA in ETRI’s automated Korean-English translator. Researcher Kim Boo Kyung was rewarded with the award in recognition of his contribution to the domestic economy and realization of the commercialization of a copy right through licensing. Former congressman Kim Young Son received an Award in the Foundation criteria in recognition of his efforts in the establishment of the Presidential Council on Intellectual Property and the Basic Blueprints for the Intellectual Property Law. Former congressman Lee Jeong Hyuk received the same award in recognition of standardization and streamlining Intellectual Property Rights Policies. His realization and pursuit of the establishment of a balanced growth based on law for the competitiveness of businesses was the driving force behind his accomplishments.
View 11051
DNA based semiconductor technology developed
Professor Park Hyun Gyu’s research team from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST has successfully implemented all logic gates using DNA, a feat that led the research to be published as the cover paper for the international nanotechnology paper "Small". Even with the latest technology, it was impossible to create a silicon based semiconductor smaller than 10nm, but because DNA has a thickness of only 2nm, this could lead to the creation of semiconductors with groundbreaking degrees of integration. A 2 nm semiconductor will be able to store 10,000 HD movies within a size of a postage stamp, at least 100 times more than the current 20nm semiconductors. DNAs are comprised of 4 bases which are continually connected: Adenine (A) with Thymine (T), and Guanine (G) with Cytosine (C). For this research, the team used the specific binding properties of DNA, which forms its helix-shape, and a circular molecular beacon that has fluorescent signaling properties under structural changes. The research team used input signals to open and close the circular DNA, the same principle that is applied to logic gates in digital circuits. The output signal was measured using the increase and decrease of the fluorescent signal from the molecular beacon due to the opening and closing of the circular DNA respectively. The team overcame the limited system problems of the existing logic gates and managed to implement all 8 logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, INHIBIT, NAND, NOR, XNOR, IMPlCATION). A multilevel circuit that connects different logic gates was also tested to show its regenerative properties. Professor Park said that “cheap bio-electric devices with high degrees of integration will be made possible by this research” and that “there will be a large difference in the field of molecular level electronic research” Mr. Park Gi Su, a doctoral candidate and the 1st author of this research, said that “a DNA sequence of 10 bases is only 3.4nm long and 2nm thick, which can be used to effectively increase the degree of integration of electronic devices” and that “a bio computer could materialize in the near future through DNA semiconductors with accurate logic gates”. XOR Gate: The output signal 1 comes through the open circular DNA when either input DNA A or input DNA B is present. When both inputs are not present, the flourescent signal does not come through
View 9651
Professor Moon Song Chun appointed representative director of European IT society
Professor Moon Song Chun from the College of business at KAIST was appointed as the representative director of Asia for the European IR society EUROMICRO at its 35th general meeting in Lille, France. Professor Moon is highly regarded in his work in popularization of IT in 3rd world countries and has published the largest number of papers in the history of EUROMICRO. For the next two years, Professor Moon will work to introduce Asia’s IT capabilities to the world and to increase the recognition of the society in the region. Professor Moon, who is also known as the first Computer Science Doctor (PhD) in Korea, has worked to popularize IT by initiating IT volunteer services in Africa, the Middle East, Central and South America, South East Asia and Eastern Europe. He has also helped in the recognition of Korea’s IT capacity, working as a Korean Delegate for the UN International Y2K Cooperation Center, a Distinguished Scholar at Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and a Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University.
View 8665
Anonymous philanthropist donates 5.5 billion won to KAIST
An unnamed philanthropist donated a large sum of money to KAIST to be used as funds for the school"s development. On September 6th, the donor met with President Suh to donate a sum of 5.5 billion won to the school for the development of science and technology. A KAIST representative announced that the donor did not want to be named and that he was greatly impressed by President Suh"s and KAIST"s efforts towards reformation. The philanthropist wanted the donation to be used for research funds and financial aid. President Suh said that "KAIST was deeply thankful and that it would work harder to show fulfill the donor"s wishes" and that the money would indeed be used for research and the students. This was the 6th largest donation since the start of President Suh"s post in July 2006. Since 2006, the accumulated KAIST development fund has increased 30 times, from 5.9 billion won at the end of 2006 to 180 billion won in September 2012.
View 6999
Distinguished Professor Lee Sang Yeop Appointed as Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Professor Lee Sang Yeop (Dean of the Department of Biological Sciences) has become the first Korea Scientist to be appointed as the Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers was founded in 1908 and boasts a 100 year history. It is composed of 43,000 members over 90 countries and is the largest international Academic Institute in the field of Chemical Engineering. The Institute appoints Fellows after a rigorous procedure of recommendation and evaluation and Professor Lee is the first Korean to become a Fellow. Professor Lee’s expertise is the field of Metabolic Engineering and successfully applied the system design method and optimization strategy of chemical engineering to biological systems thereby developing numerous core technologies for the biology based chemical industries. Professor Lee is the founder of the System Metabolic Engineering and enabled the medical application of microorganisms by manipulating the metabolic pathways on a systems level in addition to making great progress in synthesizing various oil originated chemical materials using biology based, environmentally friends methods. Professor Lee received the Marvin J. Johnson Award, Charles Thom Award, and has been appointed by the first Chairman of the Biotech Global Agenda Counsel of the World Economic Forum.
View 9012
KAIST 63rd in 2012 QS World University Ranking
KAIST was ranked 63rd in the 2012 World University Ranking conducted by British University Ranking Institution Quacquarelli Symonds. The result is an all-time high for KAIST and a quantum leap of 135 places from 198th in 2006. The criteria are: Student Evaluation (40%), Industry Evaluation (10%), Dissertation Citation per Professor (20%), Professor to Student Ratio (20%), Ratio of Foreign Students (5%), and Professor Ratio (5%). The most notable improvement was in the ‘Academic Reputation’ criteria where KAIST scored 85.1 points and recorded 68th in the world, an improvement of 17 places from last year. The Engineering College was ranked 24th, Natural Science College was ranked 48th, Biological Science College was ranked 110th, demonstrating that KAIST has now been established as a world class research oriented university. The 2012 QS World University Ranking ranked MIT as the best university in the world followed by Cambridge, Harvard, ULC, and Oxford. Domestically Seoul National University was ranked highest at 37th followed by KAIST (63rd), POSTECH (97th), Yonsei University (112th), Korea University (137th), and Sungkyunkwan University (179th) in the top 200 places.
View 9491
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