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Team KAIST Crowned Champion for their World’s Best Ironman, Winning their 2nd Consecutive Win at the Cyborg Olympics​
View : 141 Date : 2024-10-28 Writer : PR Office

< Group photo of our research team participating in the 3rd Cybathlon >

The Cybathlon is an international competition, which aims to help overcome disabilities through the use of robotics technology. KAIST researchers came in third, winning the bronze medal, at their 1st participation in 2016, won their first gold medal at the 2nd competition in 2020, and took back the gold medal at this year’s 3rd competition, successfully defending their champion title.

KAIST (President Kwang-Hyung Lee) announced on the 28th of October that the wearable robot ‘WalkON Suit F1’ developed by the joint research team of KAIST EXO-Lab, Move Lab, and Angel Robotics, led by Professor Kyoungchul Kong of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Chairman of Angel Robotics), won gold medal in Cybathlon 2024 held on the 27th.

< Seunghwan Kim, the Paraplegic Pilot of Team KAIST, cheering after completing all the missions >

Cybathlon is an international competition first held in Switzerland that challenges teams to develop assistive technologies with the purpose of overcoming disabilities, and is also called the Cyborg Olympics. Right after each competition, the missions for the next competition are announced, and research teams from around the world research and develop the right assistive technology for next four years to accomplish the given mission.

Aside from the Exoskeleton Race, competitions in a total of eight disciplines are held, including Arm Prosthesis Race, Leg Prosthesis Race, and Wheelchair Race. A total of 71 teams from 26 countries participated in the 3rd Cybathlon event. Professor Kyoungchul Kong’s research team participated in the Exoskeleton Race, the same discipline they took part in the previous competition.

The Exoskeleton Race is the highlight of the event that can be called the core of the Cybathlon. In the prosthetic arm or leg events, disabled athletes wearing traditional assistive devices instead of powered devices often win depending more on the ability of the athletes rather than the technology behind the tools.

However, the exoskeleton event requires individuals with paraplegic disability to walk completely dependent on the robotic device to perform various missions, so the technical difficulty and the dependence on robotics technology is high.

In fact, many teams gave up on participating after seeing the missions for this competition, and more than half of the research teams declared withdrawal during the developmental process. In the end, only six teams from Korea, Thailands, Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands participated in the actual competition. Even the research team from the Swiss headquarters declared forfeiture midway as the competition date drew nearer.

< Cybathlon 2024 – Exoskeleton Race Mission Description >

The reason why many teams gave up in the exoskeleton discipline was because the difficulty of the missions was unusually high. Most research teams have the skills to make paraplegic athletes walk, but there were many other difficult tasks, such as making them walk without crutches or using both hands, while standing free on both legs on the exoskeleton, to cut a lump of sponge block, as in imitating food preparing process.

The reason why the difficulty of the missions increased like this is because Professor Kong's research team completed all the missions given to them too quickly in the last competition. In fact, in the last competition, there was even a question asked whether Kim Byeong-Uk (paraplegic) wearing the WalkON Suit F1 was really disabled.

Professor Kong's research team developed WalkON Suit F1 to successfully complete the missions. The number of motorized joints increased from six to twelve, and the output of the motor itself was more than doubled compared to the previous model that ran in the competition back in 2020. The 6-channel ground reaction force sensor on the foot measured the robot's balance 1,000 times per second to maintain balance. Cameras were installed to detect obstacles, and an AI board for implementation of AI neural network was also installed.

On top of the technologies required to complete the competition missions, a function was implemented that allows the users to wear the robot by themselves and dock on to it right from their wheelchair. In the process, all parts were domestically produced and all basic technologies were internalized. The outer design of the robot was done by Professor Hyunjoon Park of KAIST, and the harmony between people and robots was pursued.

In the end, the results of the competition were as expected. The only team that could successfully perform all of the mission tasks, which were originally designed to challenge Professor Kong's research team, was Professor Kong's team. They successfully completed missions such as moving by sidesteps between narrow chairs, moving boxes, walking freely unassisted by crutches, passing through a narrow door and closing it behind, and working on food preparation in the kitchen, recording 6 minutes and 41 seconds to complete all six tasks.

The Swiss and Thai teams that took 2nd and 3rd places were all given 10 minutes, but only were able to perform two missions, each earning twenty points. It was an unevenly matched race to begin with. The Cybathlon broadcast team was more surprised and interested in the performance of WalkON Suit F1 than in result of the race.

< Team KAIST’s Paraplegic Pilot Seunghwan Kim (left), and Professor Kyoungchul Kong (right) >

Researcher Jeongsu Park, the captain of Team KAIST, said, “We came into this competition thinking of it as a competition against ourselves to begin with and focused on showing the technological gap. Now, we are very happy and proud that our endeavors achieved such good result as well.” He added, “We plan to continue to showcase various functions of the WalkON Suit F1 that have not yet been publicly introduced.”

Researcher Seunghwan Kim, the paraplegic athlete of the team, said, “I am so touched that I was able to introduce the world’s best wearable robot technology of Korea with my own body.”

On a different note, Professor Kong’s research team has successfully commercialized wearable robots through Angel Robotics Co., Ltd. since the 2020 competition. In 2022, they began distributing “ANGEL LEGS M20,” the first wearable robot to be covered by health insurance, and as a result, Angel Robotics Co., Ltd. was successfully listed on KOSDAQ this March.

The various know-how and core technologies accumulated while preparing for this competition is to contribute to further development and propagation of wearable robots, provoking imagination to draw on the future of wearable robots and on how it may change our daily lives.

Final Match (Self-filmed): https://youtu.be/3ASAtvkiOhw

Final Match and Interview (Official Video): https://youtu.be/FSfxOTpDjSE

Final Match and Interview (Summary): https://youtu.be/Sb_vd5-3f_0