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Kiseok Song, a Ph.D. candidate in the Electrical Engineering Department, receives the 2014 Marconi Society Young Scholar Award
Established in 1974 to commemorate the eminent Italian inventor and electrical engineer, Guglielmo Marconi, the Marconi Society has recognized significant contributions in science and technology by awarding the Marconi Prize, with an annual USD 100,000 grant, to a living scientist who has made great advancements in communications technology. Along with the Marconi Prize, the Society has been presenting the Young Scholars Awards over the past six years to reward young and emerging scientists’ brilliant academic and research achievements as well as their entrepreneurship. For this year’s seventh Young Scholar Awards, a KAIST doctoral student was selected as one of the two recipients. Kiseok Song, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Electrical Engineering, KAIST, has been named as a 2014 Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholar. The Marconi Society said that Song was being recognized for "his academic achievements and leadership in the field of communications and information science,” according to a press release distributed by the Society on August 28, 2014. Studying under the advice of Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of the Department of Electrical Engineering at KAIST, Song has developed bio-medical System on a Chip (SoC) such as smart wireless bio-medical systems combined with optimized SoCs, compact bio-medical patch systems connected to smart phones, smart electro-acupuncture and transdermal drug delivery, and multi-modal non-invasive glucose monitors. The press release quoted Professor Yoo’s comment on the meaning of Song’s research: “All of these bio-medical systems open a new healthcare paradigm to improve people’s quality of life in combination with the current mobile smart phones.” In addition to Song, Himanshu Asnani, a Stanford Ph.D. candidate and system engineer at Ericsson Silicon Valley, received the other award. The award ceremony will be held at the Marconi Society’s annual award gala at the National Academies of Science Building in Washington D.C., on October 2, 2014. For details, please read the following press release: The Marconi Society, Press Release, August 28, 2014 “Kiseok Song Receives the 2014 Marconi Society Young Scholar Award” http://www.marconisociety.org/press/2014Song.html
View 8406
Regulatory T Cells Influence Liver Damage of Hepatitis A Patients
Liver damage becomes more severe with the decrease of regulatory T cells “This research will aid the development of hepatitis A targeted drug,” said a KAIST researcher. The KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering’s Professor Eui-Cheol Shin and his research team have identified the mechanism, explaining how the regulatory T cells are responsible for the body’s immune system and how they have induced liver damage of hepatitis A patients. The research results were published online in the July 9th edition of ‘Gut,’ the world’s most prominent journal in the field of gastroenterology. Hepatitis A is an acute form of hepatitis caused by hepatitis A virus. The virus spreads through oral contact and enters the body via digestive organs. Regulatory T cells play an important role in maintaining the homeostasis of the body’s immune system by inhibiting the activation of other immune cells. In the case of chronic viral infections, regulatory T cells are known to contribute to the duration of the infection, weakening the immune response to virus infections. However, there has been no information on what roles the regulatory T cells perform in the case of acute viral infections. The research team used the fluorescence flow cytometry technique to determine the number and characteristics of a variety of immune cells, including regulatory T cells, in the blood of hepatitis A patients. Consequently, the researchers confirmed that the decrease in the regulatory T cells immune inhibitory ability was consistent with a significant reduction in the number of regulatory T cells in the blood of hepatitis A patients. Furthermore, it was identified that the more noticeable decrease of regulatory T cells led to the occurrence of a more severe liver injury. The analysis of hepatitis A patient’s blood proved that the cause of the decrease in the number and function of regulatory T cells was the increased expression of cell surface protein ‘Fas,’ which induces cell death. Professor Shin said, “This study is the first case which proposes the mechanism for clinical aspects in not only hepatitis A, but also acute virus infection.” He added on the future prospect of the research that: “In the future, we can prevent tissue damage by inhibiting cell death of regulatory T cells for severe acute viral infections that do not have an effective treatment for the virus itself.” [Picture] The picture shows the process of fluorescence flow cytometry technique to study regulatory T cell in the blood of hepatitis A patients.
View 10150
The Journal of Clinical Investigation: Researchers Uncover the Secret Lymphatic Identity of the Schlemm's Canal
The Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI), a peer-reviewed, top-tier medical journal published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation, carried a commentary entitled “Schlemm’s Canal: More Than Meets the Eye, Lymphatics in Disguise” in the July 25, 2014 issue. In the commentary, the authors compared a research paper (“Lymphatic regular PROX1 determines Schlemm’s canal integrity and identity”) by Professor Gou-Young Koh of the Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering at KAIST with research work from the University of Helsinki (article entitled “The Schlemm’s canal is a VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 responsive lymphatic-like vessel”). The JCI released a press statement dated July 25, 2014 on its commentary. It mentioned that glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, elevates eye pressure owing to poor drainage of aqueous humor. A specialized structure called “Schlemm’s canal” funnels aqueous humor from the eye back into circulation, which is critical to prevent pressure buildup in the eye. The article discussed the role of Schlemm’s canal in the context of lymphatic vascular characteristics by reviewing two research group’s papers back-to-back. For the full text of the press release, please visit the link below: Press Release from the Journal of Clinical Investigation, July 25, 2014 “Researchers uncover the secret lymphatic identity of the Schlemm’s canal” http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2014-07/joci-rut072414.php
View 8188
2014 Conference on Korean Sociology Held at KAIST
The Korean Sociological Association (KSA) hosted a two-day conference in 2014 entitled “In the age of anxiety, sociology can present answers” at the College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science, KAIST, on June 20-21, 2014. Professor Jung-Ro Yoon of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at KAIST is the President of KSA. The conference addressed issues such as big data and risk society. During the conference, 40 sessions took place, and 150 research papers were released. Professor Yoon said, “The conference will offer a great opportunity for Korean sociologists to discuss anxiety, chaos, risk, and the uncertainty that Korean society experiences and suggest answers and a new vision upon which Korean society should move forward.”
View 7872
KAIST studnets win 2014 Creative Vitamin Project Competition
A team of KAIST students have won the grand prize for the “2014 Creative Vitamin Project Competition” held on May 28, 2014 in Seoul. The event was co-hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, National Information Society Agency, and Korea IT Convergence Technology Association. The Creative Vitamin Project is the Korean government’s initiative to grow the Korean economy and generate job creation by applying science and technology, information and communications technology in particular, to the existing industry and social issues. The winners were Hyeong-Min Son, a student in the master’s program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST and Su-Yeon Yoo, a Ph.D. student from the Graduate School of Information Security, KAIST. Son and Yoo proposed a sustainable crop protection system using directional speakers. This technique not only efficiently protects crops from harmful animals, but also effectively guides the animals outside the farmland. Kwang-Soo Jang, the Director of the National Information Society Agency, said, “This competition provides an opportunity to develop public consensus and interest in the Creative Vitamin Project. We hope that through the participation of all citizens, the project can become an instrument to realizing the creative economy.”
View 10506
Professor Ki Jun Jeong Selected As the Winner of the 'Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize'
Professor Ki Jun Jeong from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, has been selected as the winner of this year’s Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize. Professor Jeong was invited to the 66th Japan Biotechnology and Bioengineering Society Conference scheduled in September 9th-11th, 2014, in Sapporo, Japan, where his award ceremony will be held. The award is presented to Professor Jeong in recognition of his outstanding research on microbial-based production of antibodies and efficiency improvement. The Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize is awarded annually by the Japan Biotechnology and Bioengineering Society to the researchers in Asia under the age of 45, who have achieved excellent research results in the field of bioengineering.
View 9259
SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics): Scattering Super-lens
The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), dedicated to advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light, published online a short paper authored by a KAIST research team, Dr. Jung-Hoon Park and Professor YongKeun Park of Physics, introducing a new optical technology to observe sub-wavelength light by exploiting multiple light scattering in complex media. For the article, please go to the link below: SPIE: Nanotechnology May 7th, 2014 "Scattering superlens" by Jung-Hoon Park and YongKeun Park http://spie.org/x108298.xml
View 7126
Yong-Joon Park, doctoral student, receives the Korea Dow Chemical Award 2014
Yong-Joon Park, a Ph.D. candidate of Materials Science and Engineering at KAIST, received the Korea Dow Chemical Award 2014, a prestigious recognition of the year’s best paper produced by students in the field of chemistry and materials science. The award ceremony took place on April 18, 2014 at Ilsan Kintex, Republic of Korea. The Korea Dow Chemical Award is annually given by Korea Dow Chemical and the Korean Chemical Society to outstanding papers produced by graduate and postdoc students. This year, a total of nine papers were selected out of 148 papers submitted. The title of Park’s paper is “The Development of 3D Nano-structure-based New Concept Super-elastic Materials.” This material could be used in flexible electronic devices such as displays and wearable computers.
View 8620
The KAIST Graduate Program for Future Strategy Holds Symposium on Futurology
The KAIST Graduate Program for Future Strategy held the 2014 Futurology Symposium entitled "Limits to Growth and Quantum Jumps" at the Korea Press Center on April 3rd. The symposium was organized in efforts to overcome the limits of Korean society’s growth potential and find a new growth momentum. Three types of sessions took place: special lectures, field-specific subject presentations, and comprehensive debates. As keynote speakers, Jim Dator, a professor at the University of Hawaii, lectured on Korea’s limits and possibilities, and David E. Van Zandt, the president of the New School in New York City on future social changes and our choice. The seven field-specific subject presentations included: "The re-framing of social conflicts and frames" by Young-Jin Kang of Sungkyunkwan University, "The limits of technology and three-dimensional tech-knowledge solutions" by Chun-Taek Rim of KAIST, and "The limits of capitalism and the present financial system" by Su-Chan Chae of KAIST . In addition, Yong-Suk Seo of the Korea Institute of Public Administration made a presentation on the "Population structure change and three future strategy options," Se-Yeon Kim, Congressman of the Saenuri party, on "The limits of politics and future strategy organization," and Seung-Bin Park, Dean of the KAIST College of Engineering, on the "Energy exhaustion and environmental problems." The debate topic at the third session, chaired by Kyu-Yeon Lee, a member of the editorial board of Joongang Ilbo, a Korean daily newspaper, was "The limits of growth and another leap proposed by opinion leaders of Korea." The seven fields stand for society, technology, economy, population, politics, environment, and resource, the major elements that bring changes in future society. Jim Dator (left) and David E. Van Zandt (right)
View 7243
The First Winner of Sang Soo Lee Award in Optics and Photonics
The Optical Society of Korea and the Optical Society of America selected Mario Garavaglia, a researcher at the La Plata Optical Research Center in Argentina, as the first winner of the Sang Soo Lee Award. Dr. Garavaglia has been selected to receive the award in recognition for his research and education in the field of optics and photonics in Argentina. The Sang Soo Lee Award, co-established by the Optical Society of Korea and the Optical Society of America in 2012, is awarded to an individual who has made a significant impact in the field. Special considerations are made for individuals who have introduced a new field of research, helped establish a new industry, or made a great contribution to education in the field. The award is sponsored by the late Doctor Sang Soo Lee's family, the Optical Society of Korea, and the Optical Society of America. The late Doctor Sang Soo Lee (1925~2010) has been widely known as the 'father of optics' in Korea. He was an active educator, researcher, and writer. Dr. Lee served as the first director of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science (KAIS), the predecessor to KAIST, which was Korea's first research oriented university. Dr. Lee also served as the 6th president of KAIST between 1989 to 1991 and was a KAIST professor of physics for 21 years. He oversaw the completion of 50 Ph.D. and 100 Master's students as well as published 230 research papers. Philip Bucksbaum, the president of the Optical Society of America, commented, "Garavaglia has been an example to the spirit of the Sang Soo Lee Award. The award is the recognition for his tireless efforts and commitment to the development of optics and photonics in Argentina through his teaching, research, and publications." Jeong-Won Woo, the president of the Optical Society of Korea, said, "The Sang Soo Lee Award is given to researchers who have consistently contributed to the development of the field. Garavaglia is a well respected researcher in Argentina, and we are truly happy with his selection." Dr. Garavaglia established a spectroscopy, optic, and laser laboratory in Universidad Nacional de La Plata in 1966. He founded the Center for Optical Research in 1977 and served as the chief of the laboratory until 1991. Dr. Garavaglia published over 250 research papers in the fields of classical optics, modern optics, photoemission spectroscopy, and laser spectroscopy. He has also received the Galileo Galilei Award from the International Commission for Optics in 1999.
View 10391
Box-shaped Pressure Vessel for LNG Developed by KAIST Research Team
Earlier today, Korean researchers successfully showcased the installation and operation of a box-shaped, high-pressure tank for the storage of liquefied natural gas in Pohang, Republic of Korea. The development was the first of its kind in the world. Pressure vessels have many applications and are widely used within the petrochemical, energy, and other industrial sectors where the transport and storage of many types of pressurized gases and fluids are essential. Pressure vessels must be designed, manufactured, installed, and operated strictly in accordance with the appropriate codes and standards since they can, in cases of leak or rupture, pose considerable health and safety hazards. Pressure vessels are normally designed in the form of a cylindrical or spherical tank. These shapes are, in principle, highly efficient in withstanding internal pressure, but rather inefficient in terms of space utilization. The tanks fit very poorly within a typically prismatic-shaped room. They cannot be packed closely together, so they do not efficiently utilize the overall space. Moreover, cylindrical or spherical tanks are not easily scalable to very large sizes because the wall thickness of the tank must increase proportionally to its overall radius. Therefore, a large pressure vessel unavoidably will have very thick walls, which are difficult and expensive to manufacture, requiring a great amount of thick-walled steel to be rolled, forged, and welded together. KAIST researchers, sponsored by POSCO, a multinational steel-making company based in Pohang, Republic of Korea, have taken a turnabout approach to construct a pressure vessel that is neither cylindrical nor spherical. Professors Pål G. Bergan and Daejun Chang and of Ocean Systems Engineering at KAIST developed a box-type, large size pressure vessel for the storage and transportation of liquids such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), or liquefied natural gas (LNG). The box-shaped pressure vessel has an internal, load-carrying lattice-type structure. The lattice pattern is modular in all three spatial directions, thereby effectively anchoring and balancing pressure forces on the external walls of the vessel. The modular lattice can easily be adapted to prescribed pressure levels as the overall volumetric dimensions are directly linked to the number of repetitive modules. A giant prismatic pressure vessel with a size of 20,000 m3 and a design pressure of 10 atmospheres (10 barg) can be built simply by scaling up a smaller size pressure vessel. It is interesting to note that the thickness of steel walls remains unchanged and that the weight of steel per unit storage volume goes down as the vessel size increases. Professor Chang explained the benefit of a prismatic or box-shaped pressure vessel.“If we use cylindrical pressure vessels to supply LNG fuel for a large container ship, for example, many fuel tanks will be needed. Those tanks will take up large and valuable space onboard because the cylinders have to be lined up. In our case, however, much less space is needed. The operation of a ship becomes simpler with one fuel tank rather than with many. Furthermore, our box-type pressure vessel can be designed with dimensions that precisely fit a ship. For a container ship, there may be room for a substantially higher number of containers to be loaded than when using cylindrical vessels. In a case study on a 13,000 TEU container ship, the value of the increased transport capacity tuned out USD 8.4 million for one year of operation for one ship.”The manufacturing cost of a pressure vessel has been reduced as well. Several types of special steel for cryogenic (low temperature) applications have been investigated in design and analysis studies, and this includes a new type of high-manganese steel that is being developed by POSCO. Regardless of materials, in any instance of large pressure vessels, the new lattice tank technology can offer significant savings of combined capital and operational costs. Professor Bergan was also upbeat regarding the impact of the KAIST technology innovation. “Our box-type pressure vessel represents ground-breaking research. This innovative technology will dramatically change the rules of the game for industry concerning production, transportation, and storage of fluids under high pressure and at low temperatures.”The showcased prismatic pressure vessel was a scale-down model with a volume size of 80 m3 and design pressure of 10 atmospheres. The vessel complies with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), the international standard for the appropriateness of design, fabrication, and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. It passed the 15 pressure testing in January 2014 and received an accreditation from the ASME BPVC (ASME U2 Stamp). KAIST’s prismatic pressure vessel will be presented and displayed at Gastech 2014, the largest global conference and exhibition in the natural gas, LNG, and hydrocarbons industry. This event will take place on March 24-27 at KINTEX in Ilsan, Republic of Korea. Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woJwc5zisxk&list=TLGOLcI7L6_YYTn0lImPqNyeppQWRXqUt5Picture 1: The prototype of a prismatic pressure vesselPicture 2: A lattice pattern that is lined inside a prismatic pressure tankPicture 3: Above is a container ship having a box-shaped pressure vessel as a fuel tank, and below are traditional cylindrical fuel tanks.
View 13954
Tae-Wan Kim, a doctoral candidate, receives the best paper award from ECTC
The 2014 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) will take place on May 27-30 in Florida, USA. Tae-Wan Kim, a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Materials Science Engineering (MSE), KAIST, will receive the Intel Best Student Paper Award at the conference.ECTC is the premier international conference that brings together the best researchers and engineers in packaging, components and microelectronic systems science, technology and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange. The conference is sponsored by the Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering).The paper describes research on novel nanofiber anisotropic conductive films for ultra fine pitch electronic package application, which was written under the guidance of Professor Kyung-Wook Paik of the MSE Department. In the past ten years, two of his students have received the best paper award from ECTC.
View 11106
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