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Korean Researchers Develop Skin-Like Tactile Sensor
THE KOREA TIMES2005.1.31(Mon) A South Korean scientific research center said Sunday that it has developed a tactile sensor capable of functioning like human skin. The left picture shows the letters of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) caught through a tactile sensor functioning like human skin and the right picture is its enlarged image. Scientists from KAIST developed the precision tactile sensor with 1-millimeter spatial resolution. The tactile sensor is made of polydimethylsiloxane, a synthetic rubber, and has a 1-millimeter spatial resolution capability, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) said. ``Many tactile sensors have been developed so far, but ours has the highest spatial resolution capability, flexibility, softness and extensibility,’’ said Lee Hyung-kyu, who led the development project. Late last year, the University of Tokyo unveiled a tactile sensor with a spatial resolution capability of 2 millimeters. Lee said his team will announce the results of their research at an international conference on micro-electro-mechanical systems, to be held early next month in the U.S. city of Miami. The new sensor is widely expected to lay the foundation for coating humanoids such as South Korea"s HUBO or Japan"s ASIMO with artificial skin. HUBO is a humanoid robot recently developed by KAIST. It is capable of moving its fingers independently, dancing and shaking hands with people by using its 41 joints. Japan"s ASIMO, an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, was unveiled in 2000 as the world"s most advanced bi-pedal robot. Through several upgrades, it is now able to spin in the air, bend or twist its torso and maneuver around obstacles in its path.
View 14554
U.S. Nobel Laureate to Run Korea's Top Tech University
Robert Laughlin, President of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) DAEJEON, July 14 (Yonhap) -- Nobel Physics Prize laureate Robert Laughlin was sworn in Wednesday as the first foreign president of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea"s top technology university. Laughlin, in his inauguration speech, pledged to transform the state-run Korean university into a globally competitive educational institution, while also vowing to make it research oriented. "Many people have asked me how I, as a foreigner, could possibly understand the situation here at KAIST, much less figure out a path forward," he said. "The short answer is that the situation here is not unique. The problems facing the research university are historical in nature and essentially identical all over the world." He added the same worried discussions are taking place in other universities around the globe such as at Stanford, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Heidelberg and Tokyo. "I have come here not to solve your problems but to solve my own," the 54-year-old American said. Laughlin said KAIST is a large, well-functioning organization for which few things needed to be changed. The former Stanford University professor also promised to work hard to lead the university in a novel direction. "All of us in the technical university have a holy obligation ... we are here for the sole purpose of having big dreams and finding the strength to make them come to pass," Laughlin said. "As far as I"m concerned, my job comes down to one thing: to make sure that your dreams are big enough, and to help everyone here -- faculty and students -- find the means to make them come to pass. That"s all," he said. The ceremony was attended by Science and Technology Minister Oh Myung, Daejeon City Mayor Yeom Hong-chul and U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Thomas Hubbard, among others. On Thursday, Laughlin is scheduled to meet President Roh Moo-hyun in Seoul. Laughlin will start his four-year term from mid-August, KAIST said. Laughlin won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1998 with Horst Stoermer of Germany and Daniel Tsui of the United States for discovering a new form of quantum fluid that gives more profound insights into the general inner structure and dynamics of matter. On May 28, he was chosen to run the Korean university at a board meeting. (END)
View 15113
KAIST-Tsinghua High-Tech EXPO 2004
THE KAIST Herald 2004.5.12 By Jong-kyoung KimThe KAIST Herald Staff Reporter KAIST and Tsinghua University are holding KAIST-Tsinghua Korea-China High Tech EXPO 2004 from July 12 to 14, at the Beijing International Convention Center. The Expo seeks to contribute to economic development through promoting exchanges between exceptional Korean and Chinese start-up companies, and to promote cooperation between high-tech industries and academic institutions through academic and technological exchanges between each nation"s best technology institutions. The Expo is a big international affair held by a university from Korea and one from China. The Expo is also a means to implement the agreement between KAIST and Tsinghua in 2002 to promote exchanges between the two universities and to conduct international co-research. It is sponsored by various technology institutions of both nations. The Expo is different from other expos in that it is a specialized expo where Tsinghua-related companies, experts, and buyers participate to discuss the transfer of technologies and to deal in trades. Also, to insure that the Expo is beneficial to participating Korean companies, the Expo plans to offer business talks with at least ten Chinese companies per company. From Korea, thirteen companies from enterprise-incubation center and graduate start-ups with high-tech start-ups in areas of IT, BT, NT and mechatronics that are possible in exporting related products or transferring related technologies are participating. From China, Tsinghua-related companies, China Telecom, China Unicom, and other companies under China Telecommunication Association with other famous Chinese companies are expected to participate. In addition to exhibitions, co-work between KAIST and Tsinghua"s research centers and KAIST"s Technology Transfer & Exchange Center"s explanation on public technology transfer are taking place during the Expo. And, after three days of the Expo, about ten companies will move to Chungking, a city in western China to hold a product and technology explanation session.
View 18898
Professor Kim Donates W5 Bil. to KAIST
Korea Times 2004.5.21 By Kim Tae-gyu / Staff Reporter A professor from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has donated his inherited wealth of 5 billion won to the state-owned institute. The KAIST announced professor Kim Dong-won contributed 5 billion won in properties and cash, which he inherited from his father, who passed away late last year. ``Professor Kim has asked us to spend the contribution in the development of Korea’s science in accordance with the late Kim’s will,’’ said Park Jae-wook, a KAIST spokesman. Park added Kim had tried to remain anonymous, but his identity was revealed by some local newspapers. Kim is currently in the United States as he is out of his post on an interim basis and will come back to Korea in August. Four billion won of the donation will be used to set up scholarships, which will endow 20 million won each to 10 KAIST students every year. The remaining 1 billion won will help invite illustrious scholars to the institute. Adding to the good news for KAIST, Lee Chong-moon, chairman of the U.S.-based venture company Ambex, has also donated 2 billion won. The 76-year-old Lee called for the KAIST to inspire a sprit among students by establishing a management center named after him.
View 17056
KAIST Position Openings
Department/ Division Inviting field Department of Physics nano physics/condensed matter theory, nano optics/nano physics/condensed matter theory, nano optics/quantum optics experiment, and biophysics/interdisciplinary fields including complex systems Department of Biological Sciences Biological Sciences including Neurobiology Division of Mathematics All areas of Mathematics including Financial Mathematics and Mathematical Informatics Division of Applied Mathematics Computational Fluid Dynamics, Large Scale Computation and Simulation Department of Chemistry Organic Chemistry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Structural Engineering(Structural Mechanics, Steel Structures) Division of Mechanical Engineering Any fields in engineering and natural science which can be integrated with mechanical engineering interdisciplinarily. Division of Aerospace Engineering Aerospace Engineering Related Fields(Embedded Systems and Software, MEMS, Micro Sensors & Actuators, Biomedical Technology, and New Technologies) Department of Biosystems Bio-Information System, Bio-Electronics System, Bio-Nano System(MEMS) Department of Industrial Engineering Human Engineering, Applied Statistics (Data Mining), Enterprise Information Systems Department of Chemical and biomolecular Engineering Biomolecular Engineering (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Materials or FusionTechnology of BT and NT Areas) Department of Materials Science & Engineering Chemical & display materials, biomaterials, organic and inorganic materials, energy-related materials and nanomaterials Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering Nuclear Materials / Fuels Quantum / Nano Materials and Simulation Division of Electrical Engineering Computer and System-on-Chip Design, Wireless and Lightwave Communications and Networks Control and System Information Systems (Signal Processing) Nano Devices and Integrated Systems Division of Computer Science All areas of computer science including foundation of computing, human-computer interaction, ubiqitous computing, and embedded computing. Graduate School of Management Marketing, Organizational Management/Human Resource Management/Strategic Management, Accounting, Finance, MIS/e-Busine School of Humanities & Social Science Writing (Korean Modern Poetry) Western History Science and Technology Policy Center for the Gifted Students Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Cell Biology Molecular Biology ■ Candidates should have a doctoral degree or be expected to obtain the appropriate degree before being employed by KAIST. * Candidates who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree should submit documents verifying successful completion of dissertation examination. ■ Candidates should be able to teach their lectures in English. ■ Completed application form ■ All transcripts of results ■ Four letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor (Two letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor for applicants for Center for Gifted Students) ■ One curriculum vitae ■ Certificate(s) of previous employments ■ Original or certified copies of publications ■ Completed application form ■ All transcripts of results ■ Four letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor (Two letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor for applicants for Center for Gifted Students) ■ One curriculum vitae ■ Certificate(s) of previous employments ■ Original or certified copies of publications ■ Friday, April 30, 2004 ■ Academic Affairs Team, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of korea TEL: +82-42-869-2151, 2152 FAX: +82-42-869-2350 ■ Application forms can be downloaded via KAISThomepage (http://www.kaist.edu). ■ Application packages can be submitted either in person or by mail or third party. ■ Application packages arriving after the deadline but prior to department"s reviewing date shall be accepted. ■ If there is (are) no successful candidate(s), the position(s) shall remain vacant. ■ Application packages will not be returned. If you have any questions, please contact the KAIST Academic Affairs Team. March 29, 2004 http://www.kaist.ac.kr
View 16763
133 Diplomats Worldwide Visit KAIST
THE KAIST Herald April 8, 2004by jong-kyoung Kim On March 12, diplomatic corps in Korea visited Daedeok Valley"s KAIST after taking a trial run on the Korea Train eXpress(KTX). Composed of ambassadors from 79 nations and 54 international organizations, the 133 diplomatic corps went on board KTX at 10:30 AM in Seoul and arrived in Daejeon at 11:20 AM. Shortly after arrival, the diplomatic corps attended a luncheon hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade(MOFAT) before paying visits to the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) and KAIST. After being introduced to the current issues at KAIST, the diplomatic corps returned back to Seoul at 4:00 PM. Seventy-nine embassy representatives out of eighty-seven currently stationed in Korea participated in this event, with fifty-four representatives from three international organizations. In addition, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, a commercial relations director, and a regional representative accompanied them. The trial rides on April 1 were organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to publicize Korea as being the fifth country (after Japan, France, Germany, and Spain) in the world to own an express train and to introduce the growth of Korea"s IT industry through visits to ETRI and KAIST. Events such as this are held annually to improve the understandings of the diplomatic corps about Korea"s science, technology, culture and art and to further enhance bilateral relations.
View 17459
Foreign R&D Centers Cropping Up Here
Korea Times / 2004. 03. 26 By Kim Tae-gyu Staff ReporterThe world"s top companies and research institutes are rushing to Korea to set up research and development (R&D) centers. The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on Thursday said it isunder negotiation with several world-renowned firms or foundations,including University of Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory, Novartis, DuPont and EMC.The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) is also lookingto attract five to six multinational companies to establish R&D centers here this year. Korea has already become a home for R&D institutes from top-tier foreign outfits like the world"s No.1 computer-chip maker Intel Corp. and Paris-based medical foundation Institut Pasteur as well as Germany"s Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The MOST said Cavendish will exchange a memorandum of understandingto set up a joint research center here together with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) as early as this May. The two entities will join hands to accelerate knowledge in the fields of nanotechnology, optical technology and physics to name a few,a MOST official said.It also seeks to invite Swiss-based pharmaceutical group Norvatis toestablish an R&D center here on occasion of the medical symposium that will take place here from March 31. The Fortune 500 company is expected to dispatch dozens of high-ranking staff to the two-day neuroscience convention. The Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology (KICOS), an affiliate of MOST, expects a few American companies, including DuPont, to open shop here.``DuPont is likely to make a decision, and we are currently under negotiations with several big companies like EMC,"" KICOS official KimKey-hyup said. EMC is the world"s third-largest maker of data-storage devices.Seoul seeks to host six high-tech information-technology (IT) research centers this year. Up to now, Intel and Fraunhofer committed themselves to setting up research centers here, and IBM will likely open an R&D center as soonas its affiliate IBM Korea"s bribe scandal regarding a government contract is settled. Such high-profile companies as Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and Qualcomm are welcome to open R&D centers in Korea, an MIC official said. The government is willing to provide financial incentives to foreignR&D centers.
View 18227
SK Telecom Names 28-Year-Old Female Executive
By Kim Tae-gyu Korea Times 2004.3.16 Staff ReporterThe 28-year-old Yoon Song-yee became the youngest-ever executive member of SK Telecom, the Korea"s biggest cell-phone service company said on Monday. Yoon, the former executive of mobile solution developer WiderThan.com, was recruited by SK Telecom and appointed as vice president. Shewill lead the company"s communication and intelligence task force team. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) graduate obtained her Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologyand once worked for McKinsey & Company.The unprecedented recruitment was conducted as part of the company"slarge-scale restructuring efforts, including 21-case promotions of executive members. Former senior vice presidents Rhee Noh-jong and Kim Young-jin were advanced to vice presidents. Rhee, who worked as a public relations man for 30 years, will take charge of SK Academy, an educational institute for SK Group, the country"s third-largest conglomerate. The personnel shift also features the new president Kim Shin-bae, who took the realm of the mobile giant after getting an approval fromshareholders" meeting on March 12.
View 16614
Professor Yang Receives Academic Award
By Ki-beom Lee / Reporter The KAIST Herald December 3, 2003 The Professor Dong-yol Yang of the Department of Mechanical Engineering received the Sang-woo Academic Award last month. Unlike other awards of similar nature, this award is given to one of many leading scientists who has written six to seven papers in the previous year. This award is special in that Professor Yang retired as chairman of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity in December 2002. Professor Yang received a prize on the research of the anisotropic pressing out process. He has also written papers based on the twenty-five years of research at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and has researched high-speed modeling for the first time in Korea.
View 16916
Researchers Find Mechanism of Tumor Suppressor Genes
By Kim Tae-gyu. Staff ReporterTHE Korea Times 02-06-2004 Korean scientists continue to break new ground in fighting cancer as domestic researchers examined the mechanism of a gene which can help detect and treat various sorts of cancer. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Prof. Lim Dae-sik on Thursday said his team uncovered the mechanism of RASSF1A (Ras Association Domain Family 1 A), or tumor suppressor genes, for the first time in the world. The gene was widely considered to play an important role in reducing the proliferation of cancer cells, but its exact function and processes have remained unknown up to now. It is the second cancer-related breakthrough by Koreans in a week after Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Prof. Chung Hesson unveiled the oral anti-cancer drug. ``Cancer results from the failed management of cell cycles due to things like radiation. After a two-year intensive study, we found out how RASSF1A governs the cell cycle,"" Lim said. Lim added cancer is caused by abnormal cells, which continue to grow and divide out of control unlike normal cells, which die over time. Cancer cells develop into malignant tumors, eventually inflicting damaging effect on the human body. As a result, a lack of the RASSF1A indicates a high possibility of cancer and injection of it into cells is believed to help cure the deadly disease, according to Lim. Dr. Song Min-sup, who took charge of the research, said the findings will especially pave the way for the detection and treatment of lung cancer. ``The dearth of RASSF1A was reported mostly in the case of lung cancer. The new findings will provide insight into the diagnosis and cure of lung cancer from its early stages,"" Song explained. Lung cancer is a very elusive disease because it doesn"t cause symptoms in its infancy. When symptoms do occur, usually it is too late. ``We expect commercial detection kits or drugs for lung cancer in around five years after pre-clinic experimentation and two-phase clinic trials,"" Song expected. Details of the study is available in the scientific journal Nature Cell Biology in its February edition. voc200@koreatimes.co.kr
View 17236
[Unknown] Wins Program Competition
By Taeg-sang Cho The KAIST Herald December 3, 2003 The 3rd Korean Collegiate Programming Competition took place on November 7 at Sky-city Convention Center, Seoul. This competition is organized by the Ministry of Telecommunication and is sponsored by KAIST, ACM, and Korean Information Science Institution. This year"s preliminary competition consisted of 112 teams from 50 domestic universities, and 53 teams were selected from the preliminaries. In total, sixty teams, including foreign teams, participated in the main competition that took place at the Sky-city Convention Center. This year"s competition was won by "Unknown" from KAIST; this team is composed of three students: Min-sang Noh, Gih-moon Song, and Joong-geun Lee. Last year"s competition was also won by a team from KAIST. In this year"s competition, five teams solved all the problems, but "Unknown" was the best in organizing the programs and in employing various concepts into the program. Another team from KAIST, "KIN~" won 4th Prize. The winner of this competition automatically becomes an Asian representative at the ACM- International Collegiate Programming Competition (ACM-ICPC) along with the winners of collegiate competitions from Japan, China, India, and Iran. The 28th ACM-ICPC is to be held in March 2004.
View 21292
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