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NPKI Launch Workshop Held
Molecular Physics Department Expected to Have ‘NPKI’ Launch Workshop - Numerous physicists tracking the god-particle ‘Higgs’ attending- The NPKI: New Physics at Korea Institute which was launched a six day workshop in Shinla Hotel, Seoul with 50 physicists from in and out of the country. The event started with Professor Gi Woon Choi’s welcoming speech. A heated debate with the theme ‘Top physics and electroweak symmetry breaking in the LHC era’ took place in the event. NPKI was created this year to search into the most fundamental workings of nature, research the meaning of such mechanisms, and share this knowledge with not only the general public, but also with the teenagers who wish to someday become physicists. Professor Gi Woon Choi from KAIST, Professors Byoung Wong Ko and Eung Jin Jeon from the Advanced Science Institute, and more are participated in this workshop from Korea. From abroad, world renowned professors such as Prof. Csaba Csaki from Cornell, Prof. Christophe Grojean from CERN, Prof. Erez Etzion from Tel Aviv University of Israel, and Prof. Zoltan Ligeti from UC Berkley participated in this event. The ‘Seeds Program’ took place. This is a program where 20 high school and middle school students aspiring to become physicists were able to attend the work shop without any due fee to experience the world of physicists. The students chosen for the program were able to attend the conference to watch debates of real physicists as well as experience the academic lives of physicists. They were also able to attend the lecture conducted by Prof. Gilad Perez from CERN and were granted question and answer sessions as well. The workshop was hosted by NPKI, and sponsored by Shinla Hotel, BK21 KAIST Physics, department of physics of KAIST, department of physics in Seoul National University, the Advanced Science Institute, and the Center for Quantum Spacetime
View 12034
Inexpensive Separation Method of Graphene Developed
The problem with commercializing graphene that is synthesized onto metals over a wide area is that it can not be separated from the metal. However, a groundbreaking separation technology which is both cheap and environment friendly has been developed. Prof. Taek soo Kim and Prof. Byung Jin Cho"s research teams have conducted this research under the support of the Global Frontier program and Researcher Support Program initiated by The Ministry of Education and Science and Korea Research Foundation. The research results have been posted on the online news flash of Nano Letters on februrary 29th. (Thesis title: Direct Measurement of Adhesion Energy of Monolayer Graphene As-Grown on Copper and Its Application to Renewable Transfer Process) The research has generated exact results on the interfacial adhesive energy of graphene and its surface material for the first time. Through this, the catalyst metal are no longer to be used just once, but will be used for an infinite number of times, thereby being ecofriendly and efficient. Wide area graphine synthesized onto the catalyst meatal are used in various ways such as for display and for solar cells. There has been much research going on in this field. However, in order to use this wide area graphene, the graphene must be removed from the catalyst metal without damage. Until now, the metal had been melted away through the use of chemical substances in order to separate the graphene. However, this method has been very problematic. The metal can not be reused, the costs are very high, much harmful wastes were created in the process of melting the metals, and the process was very complicated. The research teams of Professors Taek Su Kim and Byung Jin Cho measured the interfacial adhesive energy of the synthesized graphene and learned that it could be easily removed. Also, the mechanically removed graphene was successfully used in creating molecular electronic devices directly. This has thus innovatively shortened the graphene manufacturing process. Also, it has been confirmed that the metalic board can be reused multiple times after the graphene is removed. A new, ecofriendly and cost friendly method of graphene manufacturing has been paved. Through this discovery, it is expected that graphene will become easier to manufacture and that the period til the commercialization date of graphene will therefore be greatly reduced Prof. Cho stated " This reserach has much academical meaning significance in that it has successfully defined the surfacial adhesive energy between the graphene and its catalyst material and it should receive much attention in that it solved the largest technical problem involved in the production of graphene.
View 12784
New Era for Measuring Ultra Fast Phenomena: Atto Science Era
Domestic researchers successfully measured the exact status of the rapidly changing Helium atom using an atto second pulse. Thanks to this discovery, many ultrafast phenomena in nature can now be precisely measured. This will lead to an opening of a new "Atto Science" era. Prof. Nam Chang Hee led this research team and Ph.d Kim Kyung Taek and Prof. Choi Nak Ryul also participated in this research. They have conducted the research under the support of the Researcher Support Program initiated by The Ministry of Education and Science and Korea Research Foundation. The research result was published in the prestigious journal "Physical Review Letters" on March 2nd. (Title: Amplitude and Phase Reconstruction of Electron Wave Packets for Probing Ultrafast Photoionization Dynamics) Prof. Nam Chang Hee"s research team used atto second pulse to measure the ultrafast photoionization. His team used atto second X-ray pulse and femto second laser pulse to photoionize Helium atoms, and measure the wave speed of the produced electron to closely investigate the ultrafast photoionization process. Atom"s photoionization measurement using an atto second pulse was possible using the research team"s high-energy femto second laser and high-performance photo ion measurement device. This research team succeeded in producing the shortest 60 atto second pulse in the world using high-harmonic waves. The research team used high-power femto second laser to produce atto second high-harmonic pulse from argon gas, used this to photoionize Helium atoms, and measured the ultrafast photoionization of the atoms. Prof. Nam Chang Hee said, "This research precisely measured the exact status of rapidly changing Helium atoms. I am planning to research on measuring the ultrafast phenomena inside atoms and molecules and controlling the status of the atoms and molecules based on the research result."
View 9753
Creation of Synthetic Antibodies: Professor Hak Seong Kim
Synthetics antibodies which can replace antibodies from humans used as ingredients of medicines have been developed. It can increase the costs to 1/100 of the current costs and is much easier to develop. It is expected that the development period will be shortened from 10 years to 5. Prof. Hak Seong Kim from the Biology department of KAIST conducted a joint research with Prof. Dong Seob Kim to reconstruct proteins and has succeeded. The synthetic antibody displays much strength in terms of its productivity, structural formation, and bonding capability, and is thus regarded as an ideal protein. It can replace the antigens that are currently in use. It is expected that Korea will therefore be able to lead the world market for protein medicines which is a 192trillion won industry. The original antibody has been used for not only treating diseases, but also for various other applications in the fields of medical sciences and biology. However, it is produced through a very complex process involving the incubation of animal cells, and is therefore very expensive. Also, most antibodies are already patented by more developed countries, so a high royalty fee must be paid. Because of this, many countries including Korea has been concentrating on developing biosimilars copying the antibody medicines for which the patents have already expired. This causes Korea to be behind in the development of antibody protein pharmaceuticals. Prof. Kim’s research team has focused on the face that the protein existing in some eels are not antibodies but functions as one, and has been successful in developing a synthetic antibody. The synthetic antibody can be mass produced from the colon bacillus, which allows it to be produced at 1/100 the original cost. It is in a module structure which allows the structuring of the antibody into the desired structure, enabling it to be developed into a protein-based medicine within 5 years. Together with this, the coherence with the important antigens can be easily controlled, thus allowing for highly effective treatments, less side-effects, high security regarding heat and pH, and the immunogen levels being negligeable. This suggests a very high rate of the antibody being converted into a protein based medication. The synthetic antibody technology has been tested as a sample for the cure for lung diseases and rheumatism and has been proven to be appropriate. Animal testing will be conducted soon. Prof Kim said “The original antibodies had a small area allowing the bonding with antibodies, creating barriers for raising bonding strength and structuring. The newly created antibody carries only the strengths and will become a new protein based medicine purely created by Korean technology to replace the antibodies currently used in medications.” Furthermore, he added that, “The synthesized antibody structuring and designing technology will be widely used in the areas of detecting, diagnosing, and analyzing diseases.” At the same time, this research result has been published in the Feb 10th issue of the PNAS, and has been supported by the future promising pioneer business program held by the Ministry of Education and Technology.
View 10346
Paving the Way to Next Generation Display
A new type of LCD that does not require polymer orientation films has been developed by researchers within the country. This technology will enable the creation of thiner and higher definition display. Prof. Hee Tae Jung form KAIST’s biochemical engineering department led the research and Hyun Soo Jung, Hwan Jin Jeon doctoral students (1st co-authors), Doctor Yun Ho Kim from Korea Chemistry Research Center, and Prof. Shin Woong Kang from Jeon Buk University ( co-author) have participated in this research. This research has been funded by the WCU program and middle-grade researcher support program. The results of the research has been published as the online update of ‘‘Nature Asia Materials(NPG Asia Materials)” which is a sister magazine of the world renowned academic magazine ‘Nature’. The flat display industry is the core industry leading the 21st century’s IT industry. The LCD is the main area of research. Korea is the leader of this industry, holding more than 50% of the world market. Many technologies are combined to make the electro-optic devices of the LCD function. The most important technology, which determines the indicating element’s quality and function is the technology to align the liquid crystals in one direction. Currently, all LCD products are created by mechanically cutting into the surface of the polymer film and orienting the liquid crystal material along these cuts. However, the creation of polymer orientation films cost much time and money, and the high temperature processes necessary to stabilize the polymers does not allow for the free selection of circuit boards, and thus does not allow for the use in flexible display. Prof. Hee Tae Jung devised a method to orient liquid display without the use of a polymer film using ITOs. Prof. Jung’s base technology has been tested on ITOs to maintain the necessary transparency and conductivity after forming a pattern with high decomposition rates and slenderness ratios. The technology developed by the research team can horizontally or vertically align the transparent conductors without the use of polymer orientation films. Thus, the manufacturing processes have become much shortened and the LCDs can be made in much thinner from a few micrometers to a few centimeters. Also, it has a lower functioning voltage and faster response speed, showing the prospects of a high definition ultra-fast screen display development. Furthermore, this technology can be used for any type of board, and can be adjusted to a nanometer scale. This enables for its use in LCD based flexible or multi-domain modes. Also, the transparent conductor patterning technology devised by the research team can be used not only for displays, but also for touch panels with highly increased sensitivity. Prof. Jung said, “It was a long desire of the industry and academia to find a way to replace the polymer orientation film. This new technology does not need any polymer orientation films, and we can still use the original boards used for LCDs. This mean a lot to the industry. Also, this technology will increase the sensitivity of the touch panels for tablet PCs and smart phones. It can be used in many areas of future electronics base technology.”
View 9955
Undergraduate Research Program, Putting Wings on Undergraduate"s Dreams
KAIST held the 2011 URP Research Result Presentation in the Creative Learning Center on the 17th. Four students Jae Gyung Seo, Tran An Tu, Gun Sik Ahn, and Gyung Ryul Bong have been chosen as the grand prize winners. The grand prize winners receive 3.5million won to allow them to participate in an international academic conference. The URP program is the first of its kind in Korea and has been benchmarked from MIT’s UROP(Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program). The school selects 60 individual and 20 team research projects for undergraduates twice a year and provides mentorship as well as financial support. Students signing up for the URP are to submit research plans and are then chosen through looking at these documents. Students receive 6 months of research funds and are to work under a professor and TA in groups of 2 to 3 or individually. The URP program which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology has settled in successfully and has been expanded to the entire country. The head of the R&D team, Yong Jae Sung, stated, “The number of research plans have been 154 in 2008, 189 in 2009, 220 and 251 respectively in 2010 and 2011. It’s continuously rising. And over 80% of responses on satisfaction surveys have replied that students were satisfied. It is very popular among undergraduates.“ Student Sang Yeon Cho has also said, “I was able to research on everything that I wanted under funding of the school and the guidance of renowned professors thanks to the URP program.” To Seul Gi Lee, a graduate student for the electrical engineering department who has developed the wearable sleeping pattern analysis system, URP is an especially special program. She said, “I successfully researched in the wearable health care field as my URP research material in 2006 when I was in my junior year. I made second place. After this, I have continued my research in this field on SoC(System on Chip) for wearable healthcare in graduate school and will be receiving my doctorate degree on the 24h.” Doctor Seul Gi Lee has been recognized in the field of wearable healthcare for her research and has been hired as a researcher in the Holst Centre which is a national research center funded by the Netherlands’ government. She will continue to research on measuring and analyzing biological readings.
View 9850
University World News, EU and South Korea agree to deepen research cooperation, April 1, 2012
The University World News, an online news site that focuses on the news and analysis, developments, and events and announcements of global higher education, published an article on the latest agreement made between South Korea and the European Union for the research collaboration of the universities in the two nations. For the article, please go to http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2012040108141720. University World News EU and South Korea agree to deepen research cooperation By David Howarth, April 1, 2012
View 9526
The Australian: Asia more than competition, March 30, 2012
The Australian, the largest-selling newspaper in Australia, carried an article titled, “Asia more than competition,” an interview with Dr. Simon Marginson who is Professor of Higher Education in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. Professor Marginson talks about the recent rise of universities in Asia, predicting that the Asian universities will eventually take up as much an equal share of importance as universities in Northwestern Europe in leading the world’s higher education within the next five to ten years. For the article, please follow the link below: The Australian Asia more than competition: Simon Marginson by: John Ross March 30, 2012 12:00AM http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/asia-more-than-competition-marginson/story-e6frgcjx-1226309922402
View 7161
KAIST Confers Honorary Degree to CMU President Cohon
By DongJae Lee The KAIST Herald Staff Reporter On February 24, Dr. Jared L. Cohon, President of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), visited KAIST to receive an honorary degree in science and technology and gave a lecture to the university’s students. Dr. Cohon is the eighth president of CMU and has held numerous other public and university positions. During his presidency, CMU has expanded globally and now takes part in joint programs around the world, including those with universities in Korea, Australia, India and Qatar. KAIST and CMU have been collaborating since 2005 in research projects, student and faculty exchange and dual degree programs. Before the 2012 Commencement Ceremony, Dr. Cohon met with The KAIST Herald and other news agencies for an interview. The interview started with Dr. Cohon giving a brief introduction of CMU. Like KAIST, CMU has a small but special composition and is dedicated to science and technology as well as business and the fine arts. CMU, founded in 1900, is also relatively young by US standards but has nonetheless grown into a world-class university. The power behind this rapid growth can be expressed by four key values: innovation and change, problem-solving, interdisciplinary cooperation, and hard work. The slogan “My heart is in the work” clearly expresses the values of CMU. One interesting aspect of CMU is its fine arts and business fields. While CMU is dedicated to science and technology, it also has many respected alumni in the aforementioned fields including Andy Warhol, a leading figure in pop art, and Randy Pausch, the author of The Last Lecture. CMU alumni have together won 6 Academy Awards, 22 Emmy Awards, over 100 Tony Awards and 20 Nobel Prizes. Regarding CMU’s joint projects with KAIST, as well as student and faculty exchanges, Dr. Cohon mentioned joint Ph.D. programs in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and a joint Master’s program in Software Engineering. Currently, the Civil and Environmental Engineering joint Ph.D. program has one participant and the Software Technology Institute joint Master of Software Engineering program has 6 participants. Dr. Cohon mentioned that receiving an honorary degree in KAIST is a tremendous honor and that he is grateful to be recognized by such a wonderful university like KAIST.
View 10038
2012 Reputation Rankings of World Universities by Times Higher Education--KAIST in 81-90
KAIST listed among the world’s most reputable 100 universities Ranked in the 81st to 90th The Times Higher Education (THE), a weekly magazine headquartered in London reporting news and issues related to higher education and publishing annually its “World University Rankings,” released on March 15, 2012 the rankings of global universities’ academic reputation, called “2012 World Reputation Rankings.” KAIST was listed the 81st-90th group, moving up from the 91st to 100th last year. From Korea, only two universities, KAIST and Seoul National University (SNU), were included in the 100 most reputable universities in the world. SNU was in the 51st to 60th band of the list. The World Reputation Rankings are based on the results of an academic reputation survey carried out by Thompson Reuters. 17,554 respondents from the global academic community from 137 countries participated in the survey of “2012 World Reputation Rankings” that was distributed in April –May 2011. For the full list of the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2012, please visit the link, http://bit.ly/thewur.
View 9739
Exhibition of Investment Demonstration on EEWS Research Held
- Five winners of business-planning project exhibition hold exhibition towards thirteen Angel Investors. Venture capital firm and industry investors are investing for themselves on the Green Growth Project of KAIST, which strives for solutions of global issues, such as; energy depletion, environment pollution and sustainable development. KAIST awarded the winner of "EEWS business-planning exhibition competition" and held investment demonstration exhibition. The exhibition is opened by the winners of the competition and held towards the firms and inventors encouraging capital on green business project and green technologies. The venture capital firms that participated in this exhibition were; Coolidge Corner Investment, Dae-Duk Investment Corp, KPM, Locus Capital Partners and Bo-Gwang Investment. The industry investors that participated were: Samsung C&T Corp, Cheil Industry, Dasan Networks, Hanhwa L&C, thirteen companies in total. The goal of EEWS Exhibition is to encourage the commercialization of research and development. It was co-hosted by DFJ Athena LLC and Ilshin ventures. The competition was divided into business planning section and business technology section. Grand prize on green growth went to Professor Joong-Myeon Bae who suggested "Eco-friendly hydrogen fuel cells", runner-up prize went to "Real-time measuring of NOx on Eco-friendly diesels" by Jin-Su Park, the technology director of CIOS. Grand prize of green technology went to "Highly-refractive, heat resisting hybrimer LED sack’ by Byung-Su Bae, professor of new material engineering, participation award went to ‘ITO-Free touch screen for smart phone’ by Min-yang Yang, professor of the department of Mechanical Engineering. A representative of KAIST said those of the firms and investors who have gone through commercialization showed interest on the creativity and the high level of the product. Jae-Kyu Lee, the head of EEWS who supervised the whole exhibition mentioned that, "EEWS Planning Group is consistently going to come up with innovative results” and that “Angel Investors showed enthusiasm. The representatives of Venture capital firm even considered participating as the jury of the competition in the future.” [Definition] EEWS stands for Energy depletion, Environment pollution, Water shortages and Sustainability, a project for the solution of such global issues promoted by KAIST.
View 9501
A Step Closer to Ultra Slim Mobile Phone
Professor Baek Kyung Wook (department of Material Science and Engineering) succeeded in developing an ultra-thin conjugation technique that can perfectly replace the modular contact in electronic devices. The research team developed a compound material using ultra-fine solder-adhesive film and developed the vertical ultrasonic conjugation process thereby making a reliable utra-thin conjugation. The developed technique allowed for very thin and reliable conjugation and will be able to replace the socket type connector and is expected to revolutionize the electronic device industry. In mobile electronic devices like the smartphone, the trend is to incorporate various functional modules like camera, display, touchscreens, etc. in addition to striving for miniaturization of the device. Recently the problem was the fact that the number of modules within the device was increasing due to the incorporation of various functions, and consequently the volume that these modules took up increased as well, which made miniaturization almost impossible. Professor Baek‘s team succeeded in improving upon this problem by creating a compound material that has ultra-fine solder particles that can melt to form alloy fusion with the electrode and thermosetting adhesive film that can wrap around the electrode and provide mechanical protection. The use of this material made it possible to reduce the thickness of the connector by hundredth fold which improved electrical, mechanical properties and highly reliable. From a processing standpoint the conventional conjugation process involved heating the mechanical block and was therefore hard to manage its production and also consumed 1000W and took up to 15 seconds. By contrast, Professor Baek’s team’s new process uses only ultrasound to locally heat and melt the conjugation point itself thereby reducing power consumption to 100W and conjugation time to 1~5 seconds. The technique developed by Professor Baek and Lee Ki Won Doctorate student was awarded Excellent Dissertation Award by world famous journals like the Electronic Components and Technology Conference and is being recognized worldwide.
View 8978
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