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President Nam-Pyo Suh Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from SPE
President Nam-Pyo Suh has been selected as a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE). The SPE is the largest professional organization that promotes polymer-related R&D. The SPE announced that it recognizes President Suh’s many contributions to the field of polymer processing. President Suh established the first university/industry cooperative research program at MIT known as the MIT-Industry Polymer Processing Program, which became a model in establishing similar programs at many other universities by NSF. Among the many new materials, products and manufacturing processes invented by him are: Microcellular plastics, known as MuCell and used commercially worldwide, USM high pressure foam molding technology, electrostatic charge-decay NDE technique for polymeric materials, and foam/straight plastic lamination process (a major industrial product).
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KAIST Alumni Awards of the Year 2006
KAIST Alumni Awards of the Year 2006 Byung-Kyu Chang, Jin-Gon Kim, Sin-Bae Kim, and Sang-Ki Rhee (From left) KAIST Alumni Association (Chairman Sam-Soo Pyo, CEO of Oracle Korea) named the recipients of ‘KAIST Alumni Awards of the year 2006’ and conferred the awards at its New Year’s Greetings, which was held at Grand Ballroom in JW Marriott Hotel, Saturday, January 13. KAIST Alumni Awards of the Year were conferred on ▲ Byung-Kyu Chang, CEO of Cheot-noon Inc., at the young alumni section, ▲ Jin-Gon Kim, Professor of POSTECH, at the academy section, ▲ Sin-Bae Kim, CEO of SK Telecom, at the industry section, and ▲ Sang-Ki Rhee, President of Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology (KRIBB), at the society section. The young alumni section winner Byung-Kyu Chang, Master of KAIST Computer Sciences (Class ‘97), has jointly created Neowiz, Korea’s typical internet venture company, and created Cheot-noon Inc., internet-searching company, to substantially contribute to the development of Korea’s IT industries. The academy section winner Jin-Gon Kim, Master of KAIST Chemical Engineering (Class ‘82), has made great research achievements in nano field, such as the development of high molecular tube theory, etc. The industry section winner Sin-Bae Kim, Master of KAIST Industrial Engineering (Class ‘80), has contributed to the development of mobile communication and information system industries with his outstanding technology management capabilities and shown excellent models to junior engineers with his creative managing philosophies. The society section winner Sang-Ki Rhee, Ph.D of KAIST Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (Class ‘80), has contributed to the development of practicalization technologies in genetic engineering field and the government’s establishment of biotechnology policies, and created large-scaled research performances through management renovation during his reign as the president of KRIBB. ‘KAIST Alumni Award of the Year’, the greatest honor of KAIST alumni, was established in 1992 to encourage alumni’s activities by yearly awarding alumni who contribute to the development of the nation and the society and raise the fame of alma mater.
View 14527
Final competition of 'UFC' contest
Final competition of ‘UFC’ contest Joint university team D-M2 won first prize The final winner of ‘the 2nd Ubiquitous Fashionable Computer (UFC) contest‘, co-hosted by KAIST and the Korean Society for Next-Generation Computing (KSNGC), was determined. At the final competition of November 17 among 9 qualified teams, the first prize went to D-M2, composed of students from Seokyeong University, Kookmin University, Hongik University, and Sungshin Women’s University. D-M2 manufactured a work utilizing a user’s motion information by applying motion capture technologies to UFC. Particularly, the work gained a high score at the item of the functional perfection by controlling the robot according to a user’s motion. The gold prize went to the smart jacket by Jjik-eo-cha-ki (Kwangwoon University and Duksung Women’s University). The smart jacket is embedded with an intelligent clothes function in terms of checking a user’s status in a real-time basis and delivering it to a doctor, etc. The silver and bronze prizes went to Samsung Software Membership (SSM) and Hanse University, respectively. SSM manufactured a training suit with sensors for grasping the movement of each articulation of a user built-in, and Hanse University developed a system enabling blinders to get a voice service of general documents or books regardless of time and place. The participants composed of university students or graduate students have passed the severe qualifying contest through the examination of written plan and presentation of last April and manufactured creative works that realize the fusion of IT technologies and fashion. At the contest, that fact that all winners of the first, gold, and silver prizes were the members of SSM gained more attention. UFC is a new field that pursuits the enhancement of computer technologies and the creation of fashion simultaneously by fusing IT technologies and fashions. UFC is a one-step advanced field of the existing wearable computer and an important cutting-edge field that leads a computer industry in the era of ubiquitous. “The level of the works exhibited was higher than I’d expected and the cooperation between the departments of Closing Textile and Electronics appeared to be so positive, which made me expect more brilliant future of the next-generation computing industry,” said Hoijoon You, Co-chairman of the contest and professor of the department of Electrical Engineering.
View 16303
Professor Chung-Seok Chang named as APS Fellow
Professor Chung-Seok Chang named as APS Fellow - Honorable position offered only to an extremely small number of members within 0.5% of APS - Recognized for his leading and creative contribution to Plasma conveyance theory, Electromagnetic waves heating theory and leadership in the research field of large-scaled computer simulation Professor Chung-Seok Chang (Department of Physics) was named as a fellow of the American Physics Society (APS), world-renowned society in the physics filed. The fellow of the APS is considered as a position of great honor among scholars in the field of Physics since only a small number of regular members within 0.5% of the APS can become the fellows. Professor Chang was recognized for his leading and creative contribution to the fields of Plasma conveyance theory, Electromagnetic waves heating theory and leadership in the research field of large-scaled computer simulation, which made him named as APS fellow. Professor Chang has been invited several times to the Main Policy Committee of the U.S. Department of Energy and was a member of On-site Review Committee on the theoretical research activities of the U.S. major state-run institutes. Due to many world-recognized research results carried out with KAIST students, he has been invited several times for lecture to the conference of the APS as well as large-scaled international academic conferences. As a result, KAIST doctorates of Computational Physics from his laboratory are recognized globally for their excellence in the field of nuclear fusion. Besides, Professor Chang was assigned as the Chief General of the super-sized Computational Theory Research Group last year, to which the U.S Department of Energy will invest 6 million dollars of research fund for three years, and manages the complex theory research group that transcribes and reproduces the properties of nuclear fusion plasma by using large-scaled parallel computers with its head quarter in the U.S. Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. This research group consists of greatest U.S. scholars in the fields of Physics, Mathematics, and Computation, belonging to 14 research-education institutes such as Princeton University, Colombia University, MIT, University of California Engineering College, California State University, Rutgers University, New-York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Oak Ridge National Lab, Berkeley National Laboratories, etc., thereby gathering worldwide
View 13562
Professor Yang Receives Academic Award
By Ki-beom Lee / Reporter The KAIST Herald December 3, 2003 The Professor Dong-yol Yang of the Department of Mechanical Engineering received the Sang-woo Academic Award last month. Unlike other awards of similar nature, this award is given to one of many leading scientists who has written six to seven papers in the previous year. This award is special in that Professor Yang retired as chairman of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity in December 2002. Professor Yang received a prize on the research of the anisotropic pressing out process. He has also written papers based on the twenty-five years of research at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and has researched high-speed modeling for the first time in Korea.
View 16890
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