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The 2nd 'Humanities Lecture for Citizens" to be held​
View : 6399 Date : 2012-10-20 Writer : ed_news

The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) at KAIST will hold its 2nd ‘Humanities Lecture for Citizens’, making high level humanities and social science programs available to ordinary citizens. 
The program will start on October 16th and will provide one lecture a week for 8 weeks. The lectures will start every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm at the KAIST international conference room in the N4 building.
The lecture topics include love, psychology, food culture, public opinion, gender and technology- issues that are widely cited throughout society, but are hard to define. The program will end with field trips to the Daejeon Museum of Art and the Ungno Lee Museum of Art.
Professor Shin Dong Won, who managed the program said that ‘this will be a great opportunity for citizens to participate in HSS lectures and to self reflect on social matters.

Lecture Topics (in Korean)

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