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The Fifth YLKamp Held at KAIST​
View : 5886 Date : 2014-08-14 Writer : ed_news

The student leadership organization of KAIST, known as Young Leaders in KAIST (YLK), held its fifth annual camp called the YLKamp inviting high school students in rural areas across Korea from July 11th to 14th.

The YLKamp is a study mentee-mentor camp, where KAIST students teach and deliver their knowledge on “how to study” to high school students from the countryside. The camp helps young students who have passion and talent, but lack the opportunity to experience and learn more.

KAIST encourages students to participate in activities where they can donate their talent and learn leadership skills. About 20 KAIST students planned all the activities, from creating camp programs, selecting participants to requesting sponsorship from outside organizations including the KAIST Alumni.

This year, more than 150 high school students in rural areas applied for the camp, and of them, 60 students were chosen.

The camp activities included lectures, individual mentoring, group projects, career exploration meetings, and invited speaker presentations.

Since its foundation in 2010, the YLKamp has been held every year at KAIST.

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