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Visit by Sir Paul Maxime Nurse, President of the Royal Society
Sir Paul Maxime Nurse, who is an English geneticist and cell biologist, visited KAIST and gave a lecture entitled The Great Ideas of Biology on March 11, 2014. Sir Paul was awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Leland H. Hartwell and R. Timothy Hunt for their discoveries of protein molecules that control the division of cells in the cell cycle. He was Professor of Microbiology at the University of Oxford, CEO of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Cancer Research UK, and President of Rockefeller University in New York. Sir Paul is currently the President of the Royal Society as well as Director and Chief Executive of the Francis Crick Institute. Founded in London in 1660, the Royal Society is composed of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering, and medicine. Below is a summary of his lecture, The Great Ideas of Biology: Four major ideas of biology are the theory of genes, evolution by natural selection, the proposal that the cell is the fundamental unit of all life, and the chemical composition of a cell. When considering the question “what is life?” these ideas come together. The special way cells reproduce provides the conditions by which natural selection takes place, allowing living organisms to evolve. The organization of chemistry within the cell provides explanations for life’s phenomena. In addition, an emerging idea is the nature of biological self-organization with which living cells and organisms process information and acquire specific forms. These great ideas have influenced one another and changed the way we perceive biology and science today.
View 10245
Seo-Eun Lee, an undergaruate student receives the Best Paper Award from Optical Society of Korea
Seo-Eun Lee, a student studying at KAIST’s Department of Biological Sciences, has won the Best Paper Award from Bio-Photonics Division at the 2014 Optical Society of Korea Winter Conference, held on 19th February at Daejeon Convention Center. Only one outstanding paper per division is given an award among the total of 270 papers, and it is very unusual for an undergraduate student to win the award in the field that is not her major. Lee has studied cell imaging using holography technology since June 2013 under the supervision of Professor Yong-Geun Park from the Department of Physics. The Optical Society of Korea was founded in 1989, and as the largest academy in the field of optics in Korea, it holds academic presentations, seminars and lectures every year.
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World's Largest Web Conference To Be Held in Korea
The 2014 International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2014), the world’s most prestigious academic conference in the field of web, will be held for the first time in Korea. The conference is to be last for five days at Seoul COEX, from 7th to 11th April. International World Wide Web Conference covers a wide range of web-related areas, including technologies, research papers, services and more. Since the first conference in 1994 in Switzerland, it has been held in various parts of North America, Europe, South America and Asia, attracting more than 1000 experts in the field. The 23rd International World Wide Web Conference is managed by the International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (IW3C2) and co-hosted by KAIST and National Agency for Technology and Standards, as well as sponsored by Korea Information Science Society and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Keynote speakers for this year’s conference include inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, senior vice president of Microsoft, Dr. Qi Lu, and Carnegie Mellon University’s Prof. Christos Faloutsos, as well as Samsung Electronic’s vice president Jong-Deok Choi. In addition to WWW 2014, BigData Innovators Gathering (BIG 2014) and Web for Access (W4A 2014) is also to be held in joint. KAIST Computer Sciences Department’s Prof. Jinwan Jeong, in charge of directing this year’s conference, said “From one-sided 1st generation web to two-way 2nd generation web, such as blogs, and then recently to the 3rd generation web, which include social networks and semantic webs, the web technologies has grown vastly over the past 25 years. WWW 2014 will be the opportunity for Korea to discuss with the world about the informatization and future of the web.” Pre-registration for WWW 2014 can be applied at the official webpage for WWW 2014 (http://www2014.kr) before 17th February.
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ICISTS-KAIST Talk Concert 2014
The International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology and Society at KAIST (ICISTS-KAIST) will hold a talk entitled “Scientific Technology and Culture” at Youngdungpo Art Hall in Seoul on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.The three main presenters will be: Jin-Hwa Kim, Director of Korbit, Dong-Hyeon Jo, Chief of New Business at Nexon, and media artist Yi-Nam Lee. They will address the meeting of culture and scientific technology in the fields of art, games, and other genres.Jin-Hwa Kim is the director of Korbit, the first Korean bitcoin exchange, and wrote The Next Money: Bitcoin, the world’s first bitcoin textbook. He will elaborate on how science and technology are constantly changing and have affected popular culture, and how public demand gave birth to bitcoin.Dong-Hyeon Jo from Nexon will explain how the appearance of new media and platforms such as smartphones has changed our lives.Media artist Yi-Nam Lee has been described as “the second Nam-June Paik,” an internationally-acclaimed video artist, for his integration of oriental and western masterpieces with modern media. During the event, samples of his artwork will be displayed.ICISTS-KAIST is a student organization which has held a conference every year since 2005 with hundreds of students attending from many parts of the world, Asia in particular.
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Hyun-Sik Kim, KAIST doctoral student, receives Predoctoral Achievement Award from IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
Hyun-Sik Kim, a Ph.D. student from the Department of Electrical Engineering, is scheduled to receive the “Predoctoral Achievement Award” from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Solid-State Circuit Society (SSCS) at its 2014 annual conference to be held on February 9-13 in San Francisco, USA. Kim, the first Korean student receiving the award, will also be given a 1,000 USD honorarium. Established in 1983, the Predoctoral Achievement Award has been given to a small number of promising graduate students, which is made on the basis of academic record and potential, quality of publications, and a graduate study program well matched to the charter of SSCS. Among the previous recipients were Professor Bernhard Boser of the University of California in Berkeley and Professor Michael Flynn of Michigan University. Kim published 15 research papers in international journals and conferences, applied for 35 domestic and international patents, and received the best paper award in human technology from Samsun Electronics for three consecutive years. Professor Kyu-Hyung Cho of Electrical Engineering is Kim's principal advisor.
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Professor Yoon-Key Nam Received the 2013 Emerging Scholars Award
Professor Yoon-Key Nam, the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST, received the 2013 Emerging Scholars Award from the Korean BioChip Society (KBCS), an organization consisted of professionals and researchers in the biochip field such as proteomics, functional genomics, Bio-MEMS, nanotechnology, biosensors, and bioinformatics, at the fall annual conference of KBCS held on November 13th, 2013 at Kangwon National University in Korea. Professor Nam was recognized for his development of neuron-on-a-chip technology through the convergence research of neuroscience and biochip. Since 2008, the KBCS has been giving an award to one or two scholars under 40 years of age who have made a great stride in biochip research.
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First International Conference on Science and Technology for Society
KAIST co-organized the 2013 International Conference on Science and Technology for Society which was held on November 28 at the Grace Hall in Seoul EL-Tower. More than 300 people, including members of the Global Social Technology Advisory Board, domestic social technology experts, private companies, government officials, private citizens, and students joined the conference to discuss the roles and responsibilities of science and technology for society. R&D policies and technologies for solving social issues were introduced, and discussions were held on desirable directions for technological development. The first speaker, Yasushi Watanabe, Director of RISTEX (Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society) in Japan, introduced the importance of science and technology for society under the title “Change of R&D Paradigm for Society.” Robert Wimmer, GrAT (Center for Appropriate Technology), Vienna University of Technology in Austria, presented “Need-oriented Design & Solutions for Development.” Kiyoaki Murakami, MRI, Japan, presented “Introduction of Platinum Vision” and Robert Ries, University of Florida, U.S.A., presented “Evaluating the Social Impacts of the Built Environment Using Life Cycle Assessment.” Case studies on social enterprises and presentations on R&D for solving social problems were introduced by ICISTS (International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology and Society), which is a student group at KAIST, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), and Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT).The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning and co-organized by NRF, KIMM, KRIBB, KITECH, ETRI and KRICT.
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2013 Graduation Exhibition "Design Hundred" Held by Industrial Design Department
The Department of Industrial Design at KAIST is hosting a graduation exhibition for the Class of 2013 under the theme “Design for an Aging Society” from November 20 to December 6 in Seoul and Daejeon. The exhibition was created to acknowledge aging societies as a social issue and to suggest solutions through design. Two separate exhibitions will be held, one at Gong-Pyeong Gallery in Seoul from November 20 - 25 and the other in the lobby of the Department of Industrial Design at KAIST from November 28 to December 6.
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UN biological weapons expert gives lecture at KAIST
KAIST’s student organization, the ICISTS Organizing Committee, invited United Nations Security Council expert Terence Taylor to deliver a speech under the topic of ‘Terrorists and Scientists: Biological Weapons and its impact on Global Society’. The lecture took place on November 19 on the Daejeon campus. Taylor shared his experiences as a biochemical weapons expert at Iraq and discussed the fast-approaching future of the world with biochemical weapons. Terence Taylor is a former British military officer, who served various governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world, including UK and U.S. agencies, as well as the UN. His current work involves the non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear or biological weapons, toxic substances and other weapons of mass destruction. ICISTS Organizing Committee is a student organization run by of KAIST students. Since 2005, it has actively held one of the largest student conferences in Asia, ICISTS-KAIST, at KAIST every year. "ICISTS" stands for “International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology, and Society”, which conveys its vision in achieving a harmony between science and society. UN Security Council expert Terence Taylor
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One Day Idea Hackathon, GoGeeks 2013
GoGeeks Creation Group, founded by KAIST alumni, is hosting the GoGeeks One Day Idea Hackathon 2013 on November 23 at the Microsoft (MS) Building in Seoul. The contest was organized to support creative ideas proposed by college students and help them to be applied in real life. The first GoGeeks contest was held last year by a group of KAIST undergraduate students, which was influenced by Duke University’s Elevator Pitch Competition, an entrepreneurial competition started in 1999. Applications for the contest should be submitted on www.gogeeks.co.kr by November 20, and the first 30 groups registered will get to compete in the contest. Each group will make one-minute presentations after six hours of planning on the theme of “Color Your Society.” Then five-minute presentations will follow by the top ten groups selected from the first stage. The top five groups will be each awarded the prize of 2 million Korean won. The five selected teams will work on their proposed projects during the winter vacation with support from MS Korea and the Center for Science-based Entrepreneurship at KAIST. Fundraising for the event is going on at http://tumblbug.com/gogeeks2013.
View 7279
KAIST student wins Aerospace Student Papers Grand Prize
Dong-Il Yoo, a doctoral candidate under Professor Hyun-Chul Shim, at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, has been awarded the Second Prize Award at the 11th Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Paper Contest. The award ceremony was held on October 30th at the media conference room at the KINTEX ADEX 2013 Exhibition in Seoul. Yoo"s paper, titled "A Study on Virtual Pursuit Point-based Autonomous Air Combat Guidance Law for UCAV," is highly regarded for originality and creativity. The Field Robotics Center at the KAIST Institute, where Yoo conducted his research, also received the first prize at the 7th KAI Paper Contest. The KAI Paper Contest was first organized in 2003 to promote academic interest and advance research and development in aerospace engineering among university students. The KAI Paper Contest is one of the most prestigious contests in Korea. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, the Korea Aerospace Industries Association, and the Korea Civil Aviation Development Association. Dong-Il Yoo (left) and Professor Hyun-Chul Shim (right)
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2013 International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology, and Society at KAIST (ICISTS-KAIST)
The International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology, and Society at KAIST (ICISTS-KAIST) is a global forum organized by KAIST undergraduate students to promote the exchange of ideas and facilitate the discussion of issues that are important to science, technology, society, and higher education. The ICISTS-KAIST conference has been held annually every summer since 2005, inviting distinguished speakers and guests from all around the world to share their insights and expertise with students gathered from Korea and abroad. Last year alone, more than 300 students from 22 nations and 40 speakers participated in the event. Originally, the ICISTS-KAIST was established by KAIST students who were inspired by the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), which is one of the Harvard’s largest annual student conferences in Asia. This year, 335 students from 103 universities in 22 countries joined the conference that was held on August 5th-9th in Daejeon, making the 2013 ICISTS-KAIST the biggest science and engineering gathering hosted by university students in Asia. About 36% of the participants were international students. The theme of the conference was “Perfect Alliance: Coexistence for Human Society,” in which students and speakers addressed issues on how to harmonize the speed of scientific progress with the development of important values in society, as well as to explore solutions to overcome the chasm, if any, between the boundaries of science and society. In his opening remarks, President Steve Kang said, “Creativity and innovation are born out of openness. Therefore, it is essential for young scientists and engineers to communicate with people from different cultural and political backgrounds. Through this kind of global interaction and exchange of ideas and views, students will have an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the world and to better examine the purpose of their intellectual exploration in science and technology.” At the 2013 ICISTS-KAIST, 25 distinguished speakers participated including Walter Bender, a former director of the Media Lab at MIT and David Christian, a professor of Macquarie University in Australia.
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